Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

All Blog Posts (1,798)

Six GOP-nominated SCOTUS justices make up the most corrupt SCOTUS ever

6 SCOTUS justices, all GOP nominees, were given gifts, trips, $ & other bennies by ppl w/cases before the Court. The urge to vomit is great when “justice” is associated w/the names Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett. Roberts compared a judge’s role w/that of 1/4

a baseball umpire. Okay, Shoeless Joe Jackson sinned far less than these 6, yet Jackson, one of the greatest hitters to play the game, was banned for life. These 6 have lifetime appointments to the…


Added by Mark Small on June 23, 2023 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Car competitions, Micah Beckwith & his ignorance

God sayeth: “Film ‘smalltalk’ for ‘Mouthwash’ in your car.” She knew Hamilton Co preacher Micah Beckwith would be John Schmitz’s guest on last evening’s podcast. A few minutes later Lo! So it was! Beckwith has run for political office almost as often as me, but I’ve won 1/8

(Precinct Comm 2020, Marion County, Wash. Twp 21-01). Beckwith was “secretly appointed to the [Hamilton Eastern Pub Library Bd] at a mtg where voting 4 the new appointee was not on the agenda or made aware to the…


Added by Mark Small on June 21, 2023 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Indictment Day for the gutless pig

In 1973 Richard Nixon was fresh off a landslide victory for a 2nd term. As summer began, we heard about a break-in at Watergate, a “mixed use facility” in the parlance of people today who run Indy for the benefit of builders and developers. The 1973 iteration of the GOP was 1/6

progressive. Nixon was proud of achievements that occurred during his first 4 years in office. EPA was created & oversaw workings of the Clean Air & Clean Water acts. Schools were made to integrate. He…


Added by Mark Small on June 13, 2023 at 10:40am — No Comments

We were right

In Febr, 2017, I represented women in Blumstein, et al v. Pence, et al, 16-907, before the U.S. Supreme Court. We sought an order to nullify the 2016 election & argued Russian interference violated Art. IV, sec. 4, of the Constitution, the Invasion Clause. 1/5

That case was dismissed. We filed Bailey, et al v. U.S., 16-1464 & argued broader grounds w/petitioners from both parties in several swing States. That case, in October 2017, was dismissed. Our central focus in both…


Added by Mark Small on June 9, 2023 at 4:16pm — No Comments

In Memorium: Pat Robertson, who is looking up at us now...

Hours ago Pat Robertson felt incredibly light & full of an energy he’d lacked for years. A voice said, “Come this way.” He saw his 93-year-old body, supine, in bed. “I’ve passed,” he said to himself & began to walk into a bank clouds that soon enveloped him. He wasn’t surprised 1/6

when the path turned upward. The surface, under his bare feet, became more smooth He glanced down. “The streets of heaven are paved with gold.” He saw he was naked, but strode more righteously. The…


Added by Mark Small on June 8, 2023 at 11:52am — No Comments

Anyone w/any sense will vote No on a $625 million bond issue tonight

Tonight’s big vote at the City-County Council meeting is on a $625 million bond issue to finish & run a hotel after banks passed on a golden opportunity to take the risk. There are several fine reasons why anyone w/any sense should vote against this proposal to authorize the city to 1/6

borrow up to $625 million for an 800-room, 4-star hotel on Pan Am Plaza. The Downtown Hotel Owners Association, in a letter to the Council & to Mayor Hogsett, described this as a “proposed…


Added by Mark Small on June 5, 2023 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Mass shooters are far more than any other categories

Last Tuesday, during “smalltalk,” a 2-minute segment that appears on John Schmitz’s Facebook podcast “Mouthwash,” that also airs on Mondays on WHMB, Ch 40, at 9:30 pm. The topic was “hatred.” I said we should address hatred as carried out in shootings, and said majority of 1/6

shooters in mass killings are from right-wing groups. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tracks mass shootings. In “Murder & Extremism in the United States, 2021" (ADL report) validates my statements on…


Added by Mark Small on June 2, 2023 at 9:34pm — No Comments

Change how we celebrate Memorial Day

Change how we celebrate Memorial Day, a day of remembrance for those who died in service of the USA. 1) Drop policies that only create more veterans. Absent surprise attack, military can be deployed only after declaration of war. (Const. Art. I, sec 8.) 1/5

Administrations, GOP & Dem, more easily order attacks when the Constitution is shoved aside. Less military use = fewer veterans, living & dead. 2) Cut the defense budget by 50%. It doesn’t take a genius to realize you…


Added by Mark Small on May 27, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments

City could tank $1 billion in "running" a hotel

Remember: June 5 at 7 p.m., the City-County Council will vote on a $625 million bond issue to finish & run a hotel after the group that started it couldn’t find a bank to take the risk. I’m not a fan of big banks. A bank that can loan high nine figures is “big.” Also, they want profits. 1/7

Loans provide profits in the interest borrowers pay. Borrowers usually pay interest when their business succeeds. If a bank declines an opportunity to invest, one may infer the risk of…


Added by Mark Small on May 23, 2023 at 5:58am — No Comments

City-run hotel can screw tax revenues from businesses to which we already gave subsidies

June 5: Indy’s City-County Council votes on a $625 million bond issue to finish & run a hotel. A group started it, but (apparently) could not find a bank to loan on a bad risk. In our “free market” economy, businesses, increasingly not local, squeeze every penny out of States & cities. 1/4

Their threat is to build in a different city to which all those tax revenues & jobs will go. There’s no magic. Cost-benefit analysis tells businesses, including banks, a project’s odds…


Added by Mark Small on May 21, 2023 at 2:49pm — No Comments

Cities shouldn't build hotels

In the waning hours of the legislative session and w/o public debate, Indiana’s General Assembly passed, and Governor Holcomb signed, a measure that creates a new tax district w/in the original one-mile square platted for the City of Indianapolis in 1821. Money is needed downtown. 1/5

Fewer jobs exist downtown. Of course, when the new Criminal Justice Center was built a couple of miles away, quite a few jobs were sucked out of downtown. At least none of the money from the new tax…


Added by Mark Small on May 20, 2023 at 2:42pm — No Comments

Cities shouldn't build hotels

In the waning hours of the legislative session and w/o public debate, Indiana’s General Assembly passed, and Governor Holcomb signed, a measure that creates a new tax district w/in the original one-mile square platted for the City of Indianapolis in 1821. Money is needed downtown. 1/5

Fewer jobs exist downtown. Of course, when the new Criminal Justice Center was built a couple of miles away, quite a few jobs were sucked out of downtown. At least none of the money from the new tax…


Added by Mark Small on May 20, 2023 at 2:41pm — No Comments

Gun violence deaths: we need a coefficient of deterrence

Gun violence shouldn’t bore America. Three dead like yesterday in New Mexico, 30 years ago, merited a few thoughts & a dozen prayers, but now 3 dead (in a State w/5 elector votes) can’t get either heads-up-the-orifice trumpers or any deities to expend a furrowed brow or a Hail Mary.1/4

God takes my calls. She said those who help themselves means State legislatures are on the hook. God, however, overlooks a salient feature of gun violence. Gun nuts say more guns = less crime. Gun…


Added by Mark Small on May 16, 2023 at 3:17pm — No Comments

If you think U.S. overthrowing gov'ts is okay, be proud of migrants at our southern border!

We pause blog/tweets about The Constitution & ignorance (of Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith) to discuss people fr south of the Rio Grande who seek to cross the U.S. border. Too often ppl ask only: how do we keep them out? We should ask: why do they want in? 1/8

First, many cross Mexico fr other countries to get here. Axios reported 4/6/23 as “recently as FY 2019, 92% of all Border Patrol apprehensions [] migrants fr Mexico or [] the Northern Triangle Guatemala, Honduras…


Added by Mark Small on May 12, 2023 at 9:48am — No Comments

The Constitution, Micah Beckwith & ignorance

I’m honored: Tuesday on “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast, Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith called me an idiot. Beckwith says: “America was absolutely founded on Christian values. You have to be ignorant to think otherwise. The writings of our 1/7

Framers and the founding documents are very clear on that.” Beckwith does not identify values or how they are uniquely Christian. 1) In a 10/24/19 video, “The Church’s role in politics,” Beckwith says you can’t be moral if you are a…


Added by Mark Small on May 10, 2023 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Remove Beckwith...

Kids who are “different” or speak out can be/often are ostracized. Example: voluntary group prayer isn’t voluntary if kids who choose not to participate are made fun of. The younger the kids, the less they understand impact of their actions. Micah Beckwith is a Hamilton 1/5

County preacher spirited onto Ham East Public Library Board (HEPLB) by Ham Co Council w/o public notice or listing on agenda & w/little notice before a vote. 15 other candidates werent considered. This is…


Added by Mark Small on May 9, 2023 at 9:18pm — No Comments

PSA from the FBI, gun culture & tonight "smalltalk" returns on "Mouthwash"!

Elementary & secondary education today is different from our experience. Kids know a lot about tech & probably chuckle as someone (like me) tries to share a video (like the public service ad (PSA) I hope you see. Kids’ knowledge of tech is cool. Kids are familiar w/PSA’s topic. 1/6

What isn’t cool: kids have to know ways to survive mass shootings. Congrats go to Guy Relford, host of “The Gun Guy” on Indy station WIBC, who advocates gun culture & a view of the 2nd Amendment…


Added by Mark Small on May 9, 2023 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Micah Beckwith believes "America was absolutely founded on 'Christian values,' he must not mean The Constitution

4/30: Micah Beckwith, a Hanilton County preacher who has sought political power, wrote: “America was absolutely founded on Christian values. You have to be ignorant to think otherwise. The writings of our Framers and the founding documents are very clear on that.” 1/6

Beckwith’s “Christian values” must include slavery & racism. “The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior…


Added by Mark Small on May 6, 2023 at 9:32am — 1 Comment

God, Jesus Christ and their absence from The Constitution

Monty Python: “No one knows when to expect The Spanish Inquisition!” An inquisition is a persistent, grueling examination conducted w/o regard for the examinee’s dignity or civil rights. Black’s Law Dict., 10th ed., p. 913. We know when to expect Micah Beckwith, a Hamilton 1/7

County preacher. His move toward worldly power has been steady. Beckwith ran in the 2020 GOP primary for INCD 5, eventually won by Victoria Spartz who won’t seek re-election in 2024. Beckwith was gifted the next…


Added by Mark Small on May 5, 2023 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Another day will mean more gun deaths to protect the 2A

Another day in America & more people dead from guns. How many deaths did the latest spate of shootings prevent? Gun people get highly technical (e.g., “‘AR’ don’t stand for no ‘assault rifle’, dumbass”) & you’d think they’d have calculated a coefficient. But Jethro’s School 1/4

of Brain Surgery, Double-Ought Spyin’ & Fry Cookery (a/k/a 3rd grade) is tough. In undergrad I stalled guns. During a meeting of faculty chairs, deans & student leaders at DePauw University in…


Added by Mark Small on May 5, 2023 at 6:05am — No Comments

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