Civil Discourse Now

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A 2023 survey found 72% of gun owners said personal protection was a ‘major reason’ they own a gun. [FN1] Under the UCC [FN2], there is an implied promise, when you buy it, a good (A) will do what it is supposed to do & (B) there’s nothing significantly wrong w/it. [FN3] 1/9

You can’t use a gun to protect your home if you’re not home. Guns have a deterrent effect, i.e., scare off “bad guys,” only if “bad guys” know you have guns. Guns are easily fenced, i.e., sold for cash fast. So the deterrent value only alerts burglars to wait until your leave home. 2/9

You are home. You had a couple of beers. You’re asleep. You hear someone walking down the hallway. You reach into the drawer of your night stand. You call out. There’s a garbled reply. Is the person you drill with that shot a loved one? You forgot your kid’s home from college. 3/9

Well, you shouldn’t have had those two beers. You should live in total sobriety and fear so that the gun industry can reap profits. Research about guns is easy, if you want to know what makes a good “first” gun. The industry has good SEO [FN4] & doesn’t like negative stories. 4/9

In February, the Center for American Progress and GVPedia released a report, “Debunking the ‘Guns Make Us Safer’ Myth.” [FN5] It cites statistics and refers to peer reviewed studies. More reliable security systems for homes and persons exist now than even 10 years ago. One stat? 5/9

Over half of the tens of thousands who died each year from guns are suicides. It’s tough to kill one’s self w/a monitoring system, compared w/firearms. There are other arguments “for” owning guns. I’ll address those in the next blogs. 6/9

FN1. Katherine Schaeffer, “Key facts about Americans and guns,” Pew Research Center, 9/13/23, available at 7/9

FN2. Uniform Commercial Code; Indiana has codified the UCC.
FN3. Implied warranty of merchantability: merchant's implied promise that the goods are fit to be sold. See, I.C. § 26-1-2-316 8/9

FN4. Search engine optimization.
FN5. 9/9

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