Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Mark Small's Blog (1,752)

We should not leave an opening for SCOTUS to name a dictator

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives stated that “any attempt by Democrats to sub in a new candidate in place of President Joe Biden is likely to be met by legal challenges.” [FN1] magaGOP only gets the Oval Office when it cheats [FN2] and by vestiges slavery. 1/7

The Constitution states how the President is selected. [FN3] Scholarly authority notes: “As far as I know, the presidency is the only elected office in the United States in which the person with the most votes in…


Added by Mark Small on July 22, 2024 at 3:18pm — No Comments

All that the GOP Lt Gov nominee is about

John Schmitz opened “Mouthwash” [FN1] by playing “smalltalk.” [FN2] I slammed magaGOP 4 claiming the left caused recent political violence. I quoted Micah Beckwith: “The media are the enemy of the people.” [FN3] I said: “No, you are the enemy of the people.” [FN4] 1/

Guest panelist Brandon Shane [FN5] said Beckwith was a guest on his podcast, and that he fails “to see where [Beckwith]’s pushing any religious agenda” in politics and if “you guys” see that Beckwith has, “let me know.”…


Added by Mark Small on July 18, 2024 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Replacing Pres Biden on ticket does a GOP "thing": disenfranchises voters

Among reasons that replacement of Pres Biden on the Democratic Party ticket would be wrong: Primary voters chose Pres Biden. To replace him because party leaders believe his replacement is in the best interests of the party feeds a very cynical view of the right to vote. 1/5

Replacement would effectively disenfranchise those who voted for Pres Biden. Concerns about Pres Biden’s cognitive health could have been raised last year or someone could have run against the Prez and argued…


Added by Mark Small on July 13, 2024 at 9:35am — No Comments

Form over substance?

DEAN:: How Are those interviews going?

PROF: (head of Physics Dept): Pretty well. I narrowed it down to two candidates like you asked. Here are my notes. I don’t think there’s any question. Did you watch the videos of their lectures?

DEAN : (Reviews pages.) Okay ... I agree. This guy Smith has an excellent speaking style.

PROF: It’s not HOW he says things, but WHAT he says.

DEAN: Well, I don’t know this physics stuff.

PROF: And if we hire Smith our students…


Added by Mark Small on July 12, 2024 at 8:47am — No Comments

Pres Biden is our man, so cool it

In 2016 the Democratic Party was split as badly as it had been in 1968 and in 1980. I knew, or got to know, and worked with people who had worked in the campaigns of, or otherwise supported, Secretary Clinton or Senator Sanders. The split was bitter for many. 1/5

By contrast, Pres Biden’s run for nomination by the Democratic Party in 2024 is unopposed. As Pres Truman said “whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it.” He later clarified the necessity of…


Added by Mark Small on July 10, 2024 at 8:44pm — No Comments

1980: Dems' discord & Reagan's treason

1970s: we didn’t look like winners as we left Vietnam, an energy “crisis” let oil companies hike prices, after “Watergate” Pres Nixon had to resign, “stagflation” [FN1] was our economy & Iran overran the US embassy there & held as hostages US embassy personnel.[FN2] 1/11

1980: Pres Carter sought re-election, but first had to overcome an opponent w/in his own party, Sen Edward Kennedy (D-MA). Only 1 incumbent pres, who actively sought re-election, failed to secure party’s…


Added by Mark Small on July 10, 2024 at 5:39am — No Comments

There's no reason to get rattled & let maga pick trump's opponent

Important facts to know as the maga GOP seeks to destroy this country:

1) How Pres Biden did in the debate was not an epiphany.

2) Pres Biden, as he has guided this country’s recovery from four years of trump, his delivery, patterns of thought & expression have been consistent.

3) Should Pres Biden be replaced at top of the Democratic Party ticket:

a) maga/GOP will label anyone - ANYONE - named to replace Pres Biden as worse, the worst possible, etc;

b) maga/GOP…


Added by Mark Small on July 9, 2024 at 4:30pm — No Comments

This iteration of the GOP, nihilism & the IN Lt Gov nominee

Ham County preacher Micah Beckwith’s [FN1] political rise is disturbing. [FN2] Beckwith gets emotionally agitated: he is disturbed. [FN3] In the late ‘70s, evangelicals [FN4] & leaders of the far right met on a blind date. The product of their union was nihilistic political power. 1/9

Sen Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) warned, “if & when these preachers get control of the [GOP], it's going to be a terrible damn problem.... Politics & governing demand compromise. [They] believe…


Added by Mark Small on July 7, 2024 at 8:48pm — No Comments

A few more words about Nixon

There have been three elections for President, in recent history where the Democratic Party was split, going into the party convention, over whom to nominate. In each instance, the GOP ticket claimed the Oval Office and our country and the World were harmed. 1/10

Democratic Party leaders argue whether Pres Biden should remain on the ticket. The 1st debate w/the presumed nominee (“trump”) of this iteration of the GOP has shoved aside 3 ½ years of recovery from four years of trump…


Added by Mark Small on July 5, 2024 at 8:38pm — No Comments

Price this country pays by internal Demo indecision

We can learn from history. On 7/2/1964, LBJ signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act into law. Senate filibuster was overcome w/teamwork of Sen Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), Pres Johnson, and Sen Everett Dirksen (R-IL). [FN1] On 11/3/64, LBJ won election in a landslide. [FN2] 1/19

LBJ lost five States of the Deep South that had been part of the “Solid South” that had voted for the Democratic Party since Reconstruction. [FN3] By 1968, because LBJ had expanded the U.S. military in Vietnam, his…


Added by Mark Small on July 4, 2024 at 11:08am — No Comments

This iteration of the GOP and its nihilism

Jesse Helms, a senator from North Carolina, was proud to be called “Senator No.” He blocked legislation. That is the essence of this iteration of the GOP: nihilism. While some Dems insist President Biden needs to step aside, consider: 1/7

1) Pres Biden has done a great job [FN1] but maga world can’t acknowledge most of the work was necessary to clean up the mess trump left. They’ve been conditioned to believe good only can be done by trump. 2/7

2) maga will scream anyone who…


Added by Mark Small on July 3, 2024 at 11:13am — No Comments

Other aspects of the decision, re: Beckwith

The 7/1/24 decision in Trump v U..S., 23-939, creates & confers, upon a President, an immunity quite broad. The opinion refers to “a large and angry crowd” that “violently attacked the Capitol” on Jan 6. (Op. at p. 2.) Something more disgusting than the opinion? Micah Beckwith 1/10

IN GOP nominee for Lt Gov, said, in a Jan 7, 2021, selfie video that “The Lord” said “I sent those riots to Washington.” In a 2023 interview, Beckwith adds details & passes judgment on “God”: “So I…


Added by Mark Small on July 2, 2024 at 7:37pm — No Comments

Possibilities in the next months

Yesterday’s SCOTUS decision created law from thin air and is in conflict w/The Constitution. Justices are “bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.” [FN1] Statute requires each swears/affirms to perform all duties under The Constitution. [FN2] Roberts, C.J. 1/14

ignored the text of The Constitution. [FN3] Art. II, §4 states a president can be removed from office for crimes. [FN4] Art. I, §3, clause 7 states that impeachment results in the president’s removal from…


Added by Mark Small on July 2, 2024 at 10:56am — No Comments

The Roberts Court strikes again

Professor Galanti announced, at the start of the first lecture that semester, “Welcome to Antitrust Law. Ronald Reagan is president. We shall study the law as it once was.” This country’s history [FN1] showed excesses of capitalism had to be controlled by antitrust laws. [FN2] 1/8

An entire body of law & protections it provided got jettisoned today. The Roberts Court [FN3] gutted a premise of our system, that no one is above the law. In 1787, the seriousness of the delegates in…


Added by Mark Small on July 1, 2024 at 4:40pm — No Comments

"Framers' Intent"? That included AMENDMENTS

Question, rephrased: how else do you interpret The Constitution except via “original intent” of the Framers? [FN1] Some want our country to return to a “happy”, albeit, imaginary time, stuck in the jurisprudence of 1787. A short answer is: we do that every day. A longer answer: 1/10

In very few cases is interpretation of any provisions of the seven Articles of The Constitution, as signed on 9/17/1787 by 36 of 39 delegates present in Philadelphia, at issue. Several reasons can be…


Added by Mark Small on June 30, 2024 at 4:48pm — No Comments

Tonight's debate...

Tonight is the first of two debates scheduled between President Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party, and Donald Trump, of this iteration of the Republican Party. Between hosts, regular guests and people with expertise in debate, pretty much every contingency has been discussed. 1/10

A cursory search does not indicate GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith [FN1], has given his opinion of what to anticipate. Amongst a universe of reasons why Beckwith’s name did not appear, a few…


Added by Mark Small on June 27, 2024 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Blog 24-106. Braun needs to answer a question

A post on FB [FN1] asked: "What do we do now about Beckwith?" Suggestions’ goal was make sure the public knows who Beckwith is. [FN2] I say make Mike Braun, GOP nominee for IN Gov tell everyone NOW, before we go further, if the GOP ticket wins: 1/12

A) Will Gov Braun limit Beckwith to the authority of the office Lt Gov? Indiana’s Constitution & statutes make the job of IN Lt Gov more than ceremonial. [FN3] Goals Beckwith stated last year are outside Lt Gov’s authority. [FN4] He…


Added by Mark Small on June 26, 2024 at 6:44pm — No Comments

Blog 24-104 Pass it on...

Nearly two weeks ago, FB [FN1] began to pull posts under civildiscoursenow [FN2] and under my name for having “tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” The subject of the posts in question has been Micah Beckwith. [FN3] [FN4] 1/9

Implicit to posts on matters related to politics, social issues or consumer goods is an intent “to get likes, follows, shares or video views.” The process of “appeal,” as I sought in each instance, is as farcical as the rule…


Added by Mark Small on June 23, 2024 at 6:16pm — No Comments

Blog 24-104: So sayeth the candidate

Micah Beckwith has claimed he has talks w/”The Lord” about events or matters specific to Beckwith’s run for IN Lt Gov. [FN1] Temptation to use satire to lampoon an extremist candidate, like Beckwith is great. We also need to address the chats seriously and as falsehoods..1/11

There seem to have been two “chats.” The first was described by Beckwith in a “selfie” video Beckwith shot in his car: “I sent those riots to Washington. What you saw yesterday [01/06/21] was my hand at work.”…


Added by Mark Small on June 20, 2024 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Blog 24-103: staring down stupidity w/absurdity

Last weekend, delegates to Indiana’s State GOP convention nominated Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith for Lt Gov. The result shocked campaign staffers for Mike Braun, the GOP’s nominee for Gov, who had chosen as a running mate, a woman. [FN1] 1/8

Cynics might suggest Braun really wanted Beckwith, a male, as a running mate. Realists might counter that suggestion w/a simple fact: Braun staffers sent promotional emails for his pick for running mate to delegates on the morning of…


Added by Mark Small on June 19, 2024 at 2:47pm — No Comments

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