Civil Discourse Now

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Beckwith's threat to fire staff over pronouns is wrong & would be grounds for lawsuits

Of many reasons to keep IN magaGOP Lt Gov nominee Micah Beckwith as far as possible from political power, two dovetail. At a Monroe County GOP dinner, Beckwith said s/he “would fire staff members with pronouns in their email signature.” [FN1] Two reasons? 1/7

Morality and money join in harmony. In Bostock v. Clayton County, 17-1618, the Court held “an employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” [FN2] Beckwith really comes out to say how he feels: 2/7

“If you think that men can be women and women can be men, and there’s pronouns needed when we’re talking to one another, you don’t understand the basics of even reality.” [FN3] Beckwith is the one who needs to understand reality. The law provides for damages. [FN4] 3/7

Damages exist to stop the violations of rights. Morality is assaulted by Beckwith’s words now and, were s/he to be Lt Gov, Beckwith’s actions giving rise to damages. Beckwith’s a dumbass who screwed up on the HEPL board [FN5] so badly, the campaign has not mentioned it. 4/7

Beckwith’s such an embarrassment to Mike Braun, the lead on the magaGOP ticket, that signs for Gov & omit “LtGov.” So remember: #BrainsNotBraun Also: remember to follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 5/7

FN1. Haner, Joanne, “Indiana GOP candidate wants to fire state workers with pronouns in email signature,” THE HILL, 10/12/24.
FN2. Bostock v. Clayton County, 17-1618 (2020).
FN3. Id., FN 1. 6/7

FN4. Damages can include “back pay, front pay, compensatory damages (covering emotional distress and other losses), punitive damages (in cases of egregious misconduct), and attorney fees.” 42 U.S.C. sec 1981(a).
FN5. Hamilton East Public Library. 7/7

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