Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Who knew Micah Beckwith was being placed on the library's board?

On 9/8/22 Hamilton East Public Library (“ideas live here”) w/neither fanfare nor public notice, inserted a new member into its board. Micah Beckwith’s appointment should have been subject to public comment. In his scramble for political power he has let some know his views. 1/5

Beckwith does selfie videos in his car. On 10/24/19, he claimed those who say there is a wall of separation betw church & State just don’t know our history, but Beckwith quotes Jefferson, who is credited w/creating the wall of separation metaphor. Beckwith doesn’t know history. 2/5

He said a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew” can’t be moral. Beckwith will help decide what books to buy & what books to burn, or at least “discard.” Buy: books from the “left behind” series. Burn: any books of any other faith or beliefs, or anything by Twain, or anyone who thinks. 3/5

Beckwith will get plenty of advice fr a freq passenger. God told Beckwith: “I sent those [Jan 6] riots to Washington.” Beckwith’s supreme deity is not necessarily worshiped by many Christians & Beckwith likes a photo of Hamilton Co women posing w/bunting of the “America First” 4/5

movement that sought to align USA w/Nazi Germany. SO: “ideas” that will “live” in Beckwith’s library will be hate filled. I’m Mark Small: anti-gun, pro-choice, pro-separation of church & State GOP nominee for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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