Civil Discourse Now

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A cynic who reads campaign literature of the 6 people [FN1] running to be the GOP’s nominee for IN Governor might say each wants to out-Jesus the others. Non-cynics already reached that conclusion. The 6 might even try to beat each other with a trump-indorsed bible. 1/8

They oppose women’s reproductive rights. One of the 6 will be the GOP nominee for Gov after May 7's primary. In recent elections, a victory by that nominee would be considered a “gimme.” After SCOTUS’s decision in Dobbs, advocates for women’s health are kicking GOP butt. 2/8

You’d think that adjustments are being made to pull the GOP back from mindsets not popular since D.C. Stephenson’s 1925 conviction in the rape and death of Madge Oberholzer pushed the KKK out of the public light. Now enter Micah Beckwith [FN2] who wants to be #2. 3/8

LT Gov is nominated, not in the primary by the voters, but at the June GOP State convention. He wants to act as a “check” on the elected Gov. Last fall, when asked asked about his role as Lt Gov, Beckwith cited Gov. Holcomb & said he probably called the Gov more publicly & forcefully 4/8

addeding: “I think that's what a lot of delegates are looking for.” [FN3] Beckwith wants to give delegates to the convention more of a voice than the voters had in the primary and, this hypothetical, more than voters in the general election in November. Ppl need to be alert. 5/8

Beckwithwants power from a position given to him by delegates to the convention, perhaps a big number of which Beckwith recruited. btw, Beckwith things the South Carolina GOP candidate for Gov, who said women shouldn’t have the right to vote. Does he wear gold tennies? 6/8

FN1. (In reverse alphabetical order for a change: Jamie Reitenour, former Indiana AG Curtis Hill, Eric Doden, Lt Gov Suzanne Crouch, Brad Chambers and U.S. Sen Mike Braun. 7/8

FN2. Hamilton County preacher, n Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) board & now seeks GOP nomination for IN Lt GOV.
FN3. Confessions of an (alleged) book banner - Importantville, by Adam Wren, 09/24/2023 8/8

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