Civil Discourse Now

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The text seemingly was sent to (a) candidates 2 GOP state convention in June and not (b) members of the Micah Beckwith [FN1] fan club. I’m in (a). [FN2] ers The text was short, but Hoosiers saw the same substance 100 years ago. [FN3] Here’s the main part of the text: 1/8

“Our state needs leaders who will have the energy, determination, and the courage to fight the woke agenda, make Indiana affordable, and protect our Constitutional rights.” It’s plausible that Beckwith has energy, but whatever stimulant he takes is his choice. [FN4] I won’t judge. 2/8

His determination is not a “plus.” He wants to push a vile narrative. Two points simply are lies. 1) He has no courage. He won’t debate me. His opposition to “woke” agenda is double-speak for racism. 2) He does not understand either the history or substance of The Constitution. 3/8

His greatest cowardice: he avoids voters. That’s why he’s running for Lt Gov, thereby avoiding voters at the primaries. Bottom line: he’s a “Christian nationalist,” a philosophy that has been labeled “Christofascism. She shoots his mouth off, fears voters & is a bully. [FN5] 4/8

So I’ll add a choice of “D” for “debate.” He’ll avoid that. He runs away, except when few people are around and he can bully others. More later! 5/8

FN1. FN1. Ham County preacher/wannabe elected political official; claims to talk w/the “Lord” about political issues; messed up Hamilton East Public Library (“HEPL”) before he quit in less than half of an appointed term. 6/8

FN2. If I’m in (b) it’s a prank.
FN3. Hoosiers The text was short, but Hoosiers saw the same substance 100 years ago when D.C. Stephenson, head of the KKK, bragged that he was the law in Indiana. 7/8

FN4. The rule of an Austrian corporal in Germany, 1933-1945 was fueled by meth.
FN5., 8/8

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