Civil Discourse Now

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On FB I re-posted “What I Get from Christians...” [FN1] A person I met in Gloucester in 2017 [FN2] [FN3] replied: “I am a Jesus follower. I didn’t know you wanted to discuss it.” Some far right ppl, to grab power, feed on misconceptions about sep’n of church & State. 1/9

Preacher Micah Beckwith [FN4] is one of them. He congratulated S Carolina’s GOP nominee for Gov (who says women should not have the right to vote). [FN5] Beckwith says only Christians can be moral. [FN6] Beckwith wants gun owners to be able to carry w/o permits. [FN7] 2/9

Beckwith wants to protect children “from the woke agenda” [FN8] & says kids “should not be indoctrinated w/the woke agenda in our schools.” [FN9]. Beckwith wants kids indoctrinated to believe in his Jesus and his “God.” Beckwith says he’s a “Constitutionalist.” 3/9

Beckwith knows little of the Constitution or its history.[FN10] His ignorance is scary. His views are held by a minority of Christians even here, yet he purports to speak for all Christians. GOP’s nominee for IN Lt Gov is chosen by delegates at the State convention, not primary voters. 4/9

He’s rat smart. He’s positioned himself to pass off criticism of him as criticism of all Christians. What I re-tweeted is what many Hoosiers encounter w/evangelicals. Beckwith wants Indiana to “join Florida” in “stopping the woke agenda.” That’s scary. Call me if you wish to talk. 5/9

FN1. “The Bible. 2. Apologetics. 3. Their feelings. 4. The Bible Again. 5. More apologetics. 6. Threats. 7. Sanctimonious condescension. 8. Blocked.” by The Blasphemer. 6/9

FN2. I was in Gloucester in regard to actions filed before SCOTUS in which we sought to have the results of the 2016 election for POTUS tossed due to fraud against the USA, cyber invasion that hacked the election & other grounds. 7/9

FN3. The cases were Bailey, et al v United States, et al, docket 16-1464, and Blumstein, et al v. Pence, et al, 16-907.
FN4. Hamilton County preacher, lost in the 2020 GOP primary for INCD5, was appointed to bd of Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL), seeks GOP nomination for IN Lt Gov in 2024. 8/9

FN5. Beckwith post to X (formerly twitter), 3/6/24.
FN6. 10/24/19 video, “The Church’s role in politics.”
FN7. Beckwith campaign website, 4/13/24
FN8. Id.
FN9. Id.
FN10. By contrast, you heard me speak at Rockport Public Library about The Constitution. I believe that was 3/5/17. 9/9

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