Election fraud, pure and simple. [FN1] The prosecution summarized how trump broke the law in State of N.Y. v. trump. The popular vote in 2016 was heavily in Secretary Clinton’s favor [FN2] as was the popular vote in the State of New York. [FN3] No harm, no foul in New York. 1/9
Putin’s POTUS held office 2017 to 2021. Mitch McConnell [FN4] was majority leader the last 2 years Pres Obama held office and all four years after. The GOP was able to game nomination and confirmation of justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, w3 assuming the bench under trump. 2/9
Commentators speak of Chief Justice Roberts’ concern for his legacy, but such concerns are silly. Clarence Thomas makes a better living from bennies than from his day job. [FN5] Alito, J., got cool trips from rich guys w/cases before the Court. [FN6] The 3 GOP trump justices? 3/9
Gorsuch’s lucrative land deals w/head of a major law firm seem almost pedestrian.[FN7] Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to acts of sex’l battery revealed after his confirmation, also had credit card debt wiped out. Justice Barrett’s fellow members of the hall of fame of her alma mater, 4/9
Rhodes College, sought to remove her because they believe Barrett is one of the biggest current threats to our fundamental rights, the stability of our nation, and our democracy.” They said Barrett is not fit to be on the Court. And what of John Roberts, CJ? 5/9
Roberts has first-hand knowledge of questionable ethics. His wife made over 10 mil in fees from placing lawyers w/elite firms. This really is the Roberts Court. What a cast of despicable characters! This is the heart of the Roberts Courts, its legacy in poured concrete. 6/9
FN1 BBC, “Trump trial: Prosecution say hush money was 'pure election fraud,'” 4/22/24.
FN2. Sec’y Clinton received 65,844,954 (48.2%) to trump’s 62,979,879 (46.1%). “It’s official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote,” CNN, 12/22/16.
FN3. Federal Election Commission, “Federal Elections 2016,” p. 8. 7/9
FN4. Sen Mitch McConnell was majority leader in the Senate, 2015-2021.
FN5. “Clarence Thomas Can Take Bribes Because He Grew Up Poor, Declares Professor,” Above the Law, 1/3/24. 8/9
FN6. “Samuel Alito scandal shows why conservative justices on the Supreme Court are so whiny,” Salon, 6/23/23. (Alito allegedly accepted fishing trip to Alaska fr right-wing billionaire, rode on private jet, accommodations at a fancy hotel, $1,000 bottles of wine, etc.
FN7. “Now Neil Gorsuch Has His Own Mystery Money Scandal,” VICE, 9/9
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