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Unfair comparisons between trump & a former Austrian corporal

Once more, we need to dispel erroneous parallels between trump & a genocidal former corporal who led der Fatherland, 1933-1945.
1) Hitler had one testicle. In NY court proceedings the past 2 wks, just like when he’s around Putin, trump acts like he has none. 1/6

2) Hitler actually wrote (Hess typed) a best seller published under his name. trump had ghost writers.
3) Hitler was solvent (fr sales of his book) when he took office. trump’s been broke since his daddy, who’d always bailed trump out, died. 2/6

4) Hitler won office w/a plurality. trump is a 2-time loser.
5) Hitler did not dodge the draft, but enlisted for WW I & twice was awarded the Iron Cross. trump dodged Vietnam then demeaned ppl who served. 3/6

6) Hitler was convicted of treason, for an attempted coup & sentenced to prison. trump has not been convicted & sent to prison - yet.
7) Hitler loved his dogs, but killed them. The closest thing to a pet trump’s had is lap dog Lindsey Graham, but there could be VP Noem. 4/6

8) Hitler had idiotic, thuggish followers who murdered opponents & wore sharp uniforms. MAGA wear crappy clothes (& show how a few decades of home schoolin’ & vouchers can put Americans in the dark about our history & civics. 5/6

Compared to Hitler, trump’s a piker. We can’t give trump a chance to catch up . Make sure you are registered to vote. Come November, the only gov’t housing trump should have is not 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, in DC, but wherever new inmates in the Bureau of Prisons go. 6/6

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