Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

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Immigration: dt can take action!

I am a GOP candidate from the nomination for U.S. House District 5. I am pro-choice, pro-environment, anti-war and anti-dt. I want to address the issue of “immigration.” One thing to know: if you want less crime in your neighborhood, encourage immigrants to move there.

Statistics support the concept that immigrants commit fewer crimes and do more to improve the lives of their families and the lives of others around them. That’s kinda spiffy - especially in a country that, in its…


Added by Mark Small on February 23, 2020 at 10:23am — No Comments

America's glimpse of greatness stalled on 01/20/17

America’s two-party system - consisting of these two specific parties as they have regressed - sucks. Each party is beholden to moneyed interests and each delivers a type of chaos.

America’s roots of dysfunction run as deep as the first days of the republic when founding documents said all are created equal, but actions of those in charge indicated otherwise. Yet this country progressed.

America never was great so long as: slavery not only existed, but was protected by The…


Added by Mark Small on February 18, 2020 at 8:06am — No Comments

INCD5 GOP primary candidate Rev Micah Beckwith on economics: would send us back to the 1800s

Basketball can teach us about capitalism - and not in the big money churned by the NBA and the NCAA. Capitalism is a lot like a single-loss tournament, such as the NCAA tournament that will start in a couple of weeks (or like Indiana high schools used to have).

Rev Micah Beckwith, like me, is a candidate in the May 5 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. Unlike me, he is a bigot who appears to advocate theocracy - government “by those who are believed to be or represent…


Added by Mark Small on February 17, 2020 at 6:50am — No Comments

Rev Micah Beckwith wants theocracy but lacks the guts to admit it

If you oppose someone who wants his or her religion to take control of our government, you do not oppress or deprive the rights of that someone. Your opposition is electoral self-defense. If they accuse you of oppression, they are playing pAssive/agressive.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand…


Added by Mark Small on February 15, 2020 at 8:15pm — No Comments

5th District GOP candidate Micah Beckwith - believes only people of his "brand" of Christianity can be "moral" (i.e., he's a bigot)

The word “bigot” has been bandied about a lot since “All in the Family” premiered on CBS in 1970, and America had its first taste of political and social satire on a sitcom. Jonathon Winters chimed in with a character whose last name was “Bigot” - but pronounced “Bee-SHOW.”

One of my opponents in the May 5 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District is Reverend Micah Beckwith, who is a pastor at several churches in Carmel, Westfield, Fishers, Kokomo, and Anderson, according to…


Added by Mark Small on February 13, 2020 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Slavery haunts us today as the two-party system is in danger.

People cuss about the two-party system. The Framers of The Constitution expressed concern over political parties, or what they called “factions.” James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, has been called the Father of the Constitution.

Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay wrote The Federalist Papers, 85 essays published to persuade those eligible to vote - white, male landowners - to support ratification in the individual States. The delegates were white, male…


Added by Mark Small on February 10, 2020 at 6:45am — No Comments

We should legalize all drugs.

Last evening, Indiana NORML and the Howard County Cannabis Coalition hosted the First Congressional Cannabis Debate for candidates in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. Four candidates appeared in Kokomo for the event.

I was proud to be one of four candidates who appeared and participated. The other candidates were Andrew Bales (the other Republican Party candidate), and Jennifer Christie and Dee Thornton (candidates in the Democratic Party primary).

Here is a link…


Added by Mark Small on February 9, 2020 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Debate in Kokomo on Saturday night! (& where have Mr Bales and Rev Beckwith substantively replied to my arguments?)

Indiana’s NORML will sponsor a debate of candidates for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5) this Saturday, February 8, from 6 to 8:30 pm at The Elite, 2820 South Lafountain Street in Kokomo. I look forward to this event!

Maybe Andrew Bales, one of my opponents in the May 5 GOP primary for INCD5, will, before the debate, respond to my blog of two days ago that replied to his Ground Hog’s Day tweet that I am an “imposter” as a GOP candidate.

Mr Bales’s tweet: “...when your…


Added by Mark Small on February 5, 2020 at 7:55am — No Comments

Andrew Bales, an opponent in the GOP primary for INCD5, calls me an "imposter," but I'm GOP as cherry pie.

As I have noted, Andrew Bales is one of my opponents in the May 5 GOP primary for United States House of Representatives in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5). Mr Bales has called me an “imposter” as a GOP candidate.

The word “impostor” is defined, in this context, as “One who assumes a false character, or passes himself off as some one other than he really is.” Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 ed. Mr Bales tweeted last evening: ..when your platform is farther left than all 4…


Added by Mark Small on February 3, 2020 at 8:02am — No Comments

Nearly 66 million voters were disenfranchised in 2016's election for Pres

One of my opponents in the May 5 primary for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5), Andrew Bales, posted - and I think has removed the statement - on the home page of his campaign website that the “Impeachment fiasco” “potentially disenfranchises 64 million Americans.”

One may reasonably infer that Mr Bales refers to the people who voted for the individual who currently occupies the Oval Office. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) official final tally in the…


Added by Mark Small on February 2, 2020 at 8:20am — No Comments

Twitter feud with Micah Beckwith - this might be fun!

One of my opponents in the May 5 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District is Rev Micah Beckwith, whose website says he is a pastor at several churches in Carmel, Westfield, Fishers, Kokomo, and Anderson. The website states Rev Beckwith’s views on The Constitution:

“With a deep understanding of American history, Micah is answering the call to take the fight to Washington to defend true CONSTITUTIONAL conservative values ensuring that our children and grandchildren will…


Added by Mark Small on February 1, 2020 at 11:45am — 1 Comment

Other GOP candidates in Indiana's 5th and the elephant in the room

When someone refers to an “elephant in the room” the “elephant” usually is an issue that is obvious and significant that all choose to ignore. In regard to GOP candidates in the May 5 primary for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, the GOP mascot is an interesting touch.

One of my opponents, Kent Abernathy, places NATIONAL DEFENSE as the first priority of the Federal government, says we have to “make responsible choices in how we best spend our defense dollars,” but…


Added by Mark Small on January 27, 2020 at 9:02am — No Comments

Kent Abernathy needs to look at a map + realize where we really should cut the budget

Another of my opponents in the May 5 GOP primary for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, is Kent Abernathy, whose campaign website home page features eight photographs: at the bottom of the page are two family photographs and one photograph of Mr Abernathy with then-Indiana Governor Mike Pence; in the middle of the page is a face shot of Mr Abernathy; and at the top and in the middle of the page are photographs related to Mr Abernathy’s military career.

Mr Abernathy was…


Added by Mark Small on January 26, 2020 at 7:59am — No Comments

Dr Chuck Dietzen: hey, file that CAN-2, but meantime you're wrong about health care

As of one minute before midnight, Friday, January 24, eight people had formally filed, with the Indiana Secretary of State, as candidates for the May 5 GOP primary for Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District: Kent Abernathy, Andrew Bales, Rev Micah Beckwith, Allen R Davidson, Matthew Hook, Danny Niedergerger, Russell H Stwalley, and I.

Three people whose names are absent from that list, but who have announced their candidacies, are Dr Chuck Dietzen, Indiana Treasurer Kelly Mitchell, and…


Added by Mark Small on January 25, 2020 at 9:21am — No Comments

The 38%: theory of personality & anal orifices

The day after the shootings at Kent State University in May, 1970, our teacher in Advanced Biology -class I had first period - asked for a show of hands of everyone who thought the students had gotten what they deserved. I was the only student who didn’t raise a hand.

Western High School in 1970 was not what we, today, would call “progressive.” It had not progressed, one reasonably may infer, by 1984 when a junior high student, Ryan White, was diagnosed with HIV.

I developed a…


Added by Mark Small on January 24, 2020 at 8:37am — No Comments

I filed

Indiana's CAN 2 formCAN2.Form01202020.pdf

Added by Mark Small on January 22, 2020 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Why I am a GOP candidate in Indiana's 5th

Last week I was introduced to several people, over the course of an evening, each time with “and he’s a candidate for the 5th Congressional District ... as a Republican.” The person to whom I was introduced would stare at me.

In the several seconds’ pause I knew, from recent experience, one or more of several thoughts went through that person’s mind: Is this guy a racist [anal orifice]? Is this guy insane? Where did he get that cool corduroy jacket?

Several times on Twitter the…


Added by Mark Small on January 20, 2020 at 9:24am — 1 Comment

Indiana Senate Bill 75: would remove selection of U.S. Senate candidates from popular vote

Senate Bill 75 has been presented before Indiana’s General Assembly by Senator James Buck, a Republican from Kokomo. The bill would remove nomination of candidates for United States Senate from primaries.

To be clear: Buck is a state Senator, but his bill would change the ways in which the two major political parties nominate candidates for United States Senate. In a meeting of GOP people I attended Saturday, people, at first, were perplexed by this move by Indiana Democrats.



Added by Mark Small on January 19, 2020 at 6:53am — No Comments

Feb 8 Cannabis Debate in Kokomo. I say legalize pot - period.

On Saturday, February 8, from 6 pm to 8 pm at Elite Banquet Hall, 2820 South Lafountain in Kokomo, Indiana, Indiana’s chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (“NORML”) will host the first Congressional Cannabis Debate for candidates in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District.

I am one of four candidates - two Democratic Party candidates and one other Republican Party candidate - to accept the invitation. There is no stated “resolution,” as in a traditional,…


Added by Mark Small on January 18, 2020 at 9:29am — No Comments

Rev Micah Beckwith, GOP candidate in IN CD5: does he advocate orgies?

Usually when you quote somebody, either it is because you agree with what the person said, believe the person is someone who deserves our attention or both. You even can imply the person quoted shares your beliefs.

If the person quoted is, say, George Washington, you seem to garb yourself in the raiments of the Father of our country. On the other hand, you should be careful about whom you quote and be sure the quote is consistent with the quoted person’s beliefs,

Reverend Micah…


Added by Mark Small on January 17, 2020 at 8:11am — No Comments

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