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Ms. Spartz, guns & deaths by domestic violence

Victoria Spartz was the highest bidder for GOP votes in the June 2 GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District (INCD5). Her position guns is amongst her worst: “We must preserve our 2nd Amendment freedoms against the tyranny of the government...”

A greater tyranny is that of domestic violence carried out each day by people who, if they lacked the more-easily lethal means of a gun at hand, would not kill. I have yet to see anyone brandish a firearm to deter the Federal or a State government.

The word “domestic,” in a legal context, usually indicates a category of cases with issues that evoke extreme emotions. The cases and issues include divorces, child custody, child support and domestic violence.
Court security is greater because of domestic cases than it is for criminal cases.

I say this based on over 30 years of experience as a lawyer and conversations I’ve had with judges, bailiffs, and deputies. Guns nuts might say such assertions are anecdotal. Of course, those would be gun nuts with vocabularies beyond 600 words or with cue cards given out by the NRA.

Then again, that would be correct about my assertion, because we lack meaningful statistics about gun violence. Epidemiological studies - NOT sorry if that is too pointy-headed and intellectual for some people - deal “with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.”

Any such studies have been blocked, effectively, by the NRA. Since 1996 under the Dickey Amendment, the CDC is prohibited from advocating or promoting gun control. Even after Sandy Hook, the CDC has not funded any studies on gun violence and prevention.

The Tiahrt Amendments ban “trace data” collected by the ATF from release for use by cities, states, researchers, litigants, and members of the public. If we could trace guns from source to gun deaths, we might be able to reduce numbers gun deaths.

Mechanism of death in a shooting usually is easy to discern, but cause of death can be complex. In “2017, the most recent year for which complete data [are] available, 39,773 people died from gun-related injuries.” Pew Research Ctr. citing numbers from CDC.

With nearly 40,000, deaths per year related to a specific thing, we should expect health-related studies. In 2017 approximately sixty percent (60%) of gun deaths were suicides (23,854). Any such studies have been blocked, effectively, by the NRA.

This past week in Hendricks County a mother used a gun to kill her child and then her self. That mother was my Client. We should study specific circumstances to see if we can prevent these tragedies. Maybe we should ban firearms from households of both parties to a divorce or subsequent proceedings.

Ms. Spartz extols trump and guns. By contrast, even after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook, when little kids were mowed down by an idiot with rapid-fire weaponry, the NRA paid to suppress meaningful gun control.
I previously wrote, as NPR reported on 9/27/19: “The National Rifle Association acted as a ‘foreign asset’ for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.”

I doubt that Ms. Spartz will rock the boat paid for by whoever provides moneyt to the NRA. If Ms. Spartz is elected to Congress, we can expect more of the same. In this context, “more of thye same means more meaningless deaths.

Stalin was quoted as saying one death is a tragedy, but a million deaths are a statistic. We saw tragedy this week in Indiana. We can only hope a sycophant like Ms. Spartz is not elected or else more people will join the category of “statistic.”

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