Ham Co preacher Micah Beckwith [FN1] posted a campaign ad under a header “I’m under attack by the Left.” It’s easy to play down Beckwith’s claims. He is a clown, not very smart & lies about our history. He says he talks to “God” about politics & says “They’re scared of me winning.” 1/8
Only 1 person should be more scared of Beckwith winning than friends of mine, conservatives who fear a Beckwith in office. Beckwith has weapons training for people in his church. As a board…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 29, 2023 at 2:36pm — No Comments
We had few books in the country. A 1948 encyclopedia had stale prose w/photos black & white. Alto & New London elementary schools had no libraries. A few times a year we got flyers to order books by mail. The 1965 Palm Sunday tornados wiped out schools in Alto & 1/7
Russiaville. Schools consolidated & 6th grade was in a new building w/its own library. Books about history & mythology were not simply “facts” but maps of so much that has gone before. I learned to…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 28, 2023 at 6:59pm — No Comments
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: This blog/thread of tweets contains material that some (incl me) might find objectionable or repulsive. Going on? Please read to the end. “Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury has been banned or censored various places since its release in 1951. Set in a 1/7
future where ALL books are banned. Montag, the protagonist is a fireman whose job is to burn books, wonders why books are banned. His boss, Capt Beatty, says: “‘Colored people don’t like ‘Little Black Sambo.’ Burn…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 27, 2023 at 4:49pm — No Comments
HEPL [FN1] board held meetings 8/24 (2 & 3-5 pm) in Noblesville. Sign-in sheets, 1 for each meeting, were on a table outside a packed room. [FN2] A sheet of paper listing “guidelines” for attendees & for public comments was handed to all who entered the room. 1/9
1) Tough to follow: a) poor sound system & b) unclear who presided. [FN3]
2) Barnes & Thornburg (B&T) att’y asserted atty-client privilege when Bd member Michelle Payne asked about items on the bills…
Added by Mark Small on August 25, 2023 at 8:55am — No Comments
My weekly contribution to “Mouthwash” [FN1] is smalltalk. Last evening [FN2] the topic was violence & police. Panelist Libertarian Lucy [FN3] w/background photo of a woman firing an assault weapon, called me “delusional” & “disingenuous” to say firearms are 1/10
kids’ leading cause of death, leftists lie about facts & her Google® search showed homicides way down the list of causes of kids’ deaths. She never explains the dead kids, observes I don’t have kids & said she…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 23, 2023 at 9:02am — No Comments
HEPL [FN1] Fishers’ board of trustees (“Bd”) canceled “executive sessions” 4 8/21 & 8/23 but an 8/24 gen’l meeting is 3 pm. HEPL-Fishers was set up on 9/8/22. A backdoor appointment put Micah Beckwith [FN2] on the Bd w/a 4-3 majority he loses on 9/1. He said he’s after porn. 1/9
With no proof books harmed anyone since a Fishers library was opened in 1993, the Bd required books to be removed from a teen section, reviewed by library staff and, if a book violates standards the Bd…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 22, 2023 at 12:52pm — No Comments
This morning my friend, John Schmitz, objected to comments/behaviors of some ppl (including me) who oppose recent policies of the directors of HEPL [FN1.] One objection is to “spying.” To “spy”: “to observe secretively or furtively w/hostile intent.” [FN2] I think he refers to 1/9
a post fr 8/18, re-posted by author John Green [FN3]: “I stopped into my favorite local coffee shop today around 3:15pm. Imagine my surprise to see HEPL board member Ray Maddalone, soon to be former HEPL…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 19, 2023 at 8:04pm — No Comments
Machiavelli would be disappointed w/Micah Beckwith. [FN1] Beckwith says he’s running for IN Lt Gov in the GOP, but state conventions, not primary voters, nominate Lt Gov & usually vote 4 the person party’s Gov nominee wants. Beckwith is telling ppl how to become delegates 1/8
to the GOP convention. Machiavelli usually is cited as an example of the worst aspects of pursuit of power as such set out in “The Prince.” [FN2] and, were he alive today, might nod in approval about Beckwith…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 19, 2023 at 9:54am — No Comments
Micah Beckwith’s [FN1] imagination = his thirst for political power. HEPL [FN2]: his antics after he was appointed show why even GOP primary voters don’t like him. Beckwith sd nada re: he & his pals losing a 4-3 majority at HEPL. Instead: “As your next Lt Governor, I will work 1/12
to restore” parental rts & “get teachers back to basics, not pushing a sexual agenda.” Beckwith’s agenda always is sexual (i.e., porn, trafficking but never evangelical ministers’ antics). He’s said…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 18, 2023 at 4:08pm — No Comments
“A,” your loved one, has an infection & drugs prescribed don’t seem to work. Do you want A treated by a physician who was taught from grade 1 through med school that evolution is only a “theory”? “Bacteria can rapidly EVOLVE resistance to antibiotics. [] rise of resistant 1/8
'superbugs' threatens our ability to use antimicrobials like antibiotics” [FN1] Science: “theory” is not a guess, but a “well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 17, 2023 at 3:48pm — No Comments
News arrived shortly after I crashed. Sometimes “boring” is good. Dramas in cockpits, surgeries or most aspects of everyday life are great for movies or theatre. Libraries are supposed to have on their shelves fantastic stories (fictions), journeys into who we are & what the World is 1/3
(sciences), and info purely for amusement. Who and how a library is run should be mundane. The president of Hamilton East Public Library was replaced last night by (according to info that’s been…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 16, 2023 at 7:23am — No Comments
Micah Beckwith? John Jay NEVER wrote: “Providence (God) has given to our people the choice of their ruler, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” Who was John Jay? 1/7
1) Jay was not a delegate to The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.
2) 85 papers titled The Federalist argued for The Constitution; Jay wrote 5, but none concerned religion (2-5, Dangers from Foreign Force and…
Added by Mark Small on August 15, 2023 at 11:32am — No Comments
Conclusion: Ham Co preacher/GOP library board member Micah Beckwith on his claims “God” authored or “inspired” Constitution. Unlike Beckwith I gave sources for points I argue (check the footnotes in last few days’ blog/tweets.) (Sorry if this is a bit long) 1/8
1) “God” as author/inspiration is not invoked/mentioned in 2//21/1787 resolution for convention
2) Only mention: “religion” (Art. VI) is inconsistent w/ “God” as author/inspiration.
Added by Mark Small on August 13, 2023 at 7:43am — No Comments
“To advance knowledge” is not one of the reasons Ham County preacher/political wannabe Micah Beckwith sought a seat (& got it via the back door) on Ham Easr Library Board. In February he hyped a course he was teaching about The Constitution, and added “stay away from higher 1/6
education and [its] secular progressive bias” & claims training/ed’n on constitutional law from “Hillsdale College as well as a plethora of private studies and research.” Beckwith wants a lot of books…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 12, 2023 at 1:16pm — No Comments
This message is serious. If (1) a candidate for elective office (2) claims “God” talks to him (3) on a regular basis about (3) political issues, we should be wary. That (4) candidate (5) is a preacher who (6) has weapons training for ppl in his church. Need a crystal ball? 1/6
Inevitably the candidate will say he carries out Orders from “God.” Ham County preacher/IN Lt Gov wannabe Micah Beckwith is the candidate just described. He’s declared his candidacy for Lt Gov in Indiana’s GOP.…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 11, 2023 at 6:05am — No Comments
“God” neither wrote nor inspired The Constitution. Sources, if applicable, will be listed at the end of this blog/tweets. 1) “God” as author/inspiration is neither invoked nor mentioned Congress’s 2//21/17 resolution to have a convention. [FN1] 1/8
2) “God” as author/inspiration is neither invoked nor mentioned in The Constitution.
3) “God” as author did not need a convention.
4) Convention was set to start 5/14, but quorum wasn’t reached until 5/25. [FN2]. “God” shouldn’t…
Added by Mark Small on August 10, 2023 at 1:54pm — No Comments
Of the Constitution of the United States, some claim (1) “God” wrote The Constitution; (2) if not, then people who wrote The Constitution were divinely “inspired”; and (3) either way, the USA is & always was meant to be a “Christian” country. The Constitution is a specific document. 1/7
Courts look at wording and relevant history of a constitution to interpret or apply its provisions. In Congress’s February 21, 1787, resolution in favor of a convention, no mention is made of any…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 9, 2023 at 2:27pm — No Comments
Civility in social media is full frontal tonight on “Mouthwash,”(Tues, 8/8, 9 pm, Facebook) John Schmitz’s podcast. Conversation will focus on Ham East Public Library, & a policy 4 of the 7 trustees adopted moving books from a teen to an adult section & that controversy. 1/10
Ham County preacher Micah Beckwith (the Lloyd Ruby of local politics) will be on a panel with Jocelyn Vare (Fishers City Council) and Alexandria librarian Brad Sowinski. Compare/contrast Beckwith in The…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 8, 2023 at 10:01am — No Comments
A flick, “The Sound of Freedom,” inspired at least one member of the 4-3 majority of the Ham East Public Library board to move books out of a teen section for review & possible placement in the adult section of the Fishers Library. This costs $$$, although HEPL board member 1/13
Tiffanie Ditlevson said an earlier review of children’s books didn’t cost an add’l penny. Either the section was extremely small or the review sought was more narrow than the current project. A quote fr a…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 7, 2023 at 8:40pm — No Comments
As kids there were books, plays & movies we were told not to read or view.. History is not kind to people who censor writings & other forms of art. One person thought Shakespeare went too far. (Look up “bowdlerize”) Our laws are based on notice that a thing is illegal. “Ignorance 1/5
of the law is no excuse,” but whether something violates the law is different. People can try to define “pornography.” The closest: “I know it when I see it.” Jacobellis v Ohio, 378 U.S. 184, 197…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on August 7, 2023 at 5:50pm — No Comments
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