Civil Discourse Now

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More on Beckwith's problems w/impetus

A flick, “The Sound of Freedom,” inspired at least one member of the 4-3 majority of the Ham East Public Library board to move books out of a teen section for review & possible placement in the adult section of the Fishers Library. This costs $$$, although HEPL board member 1/13

Tiffanie Ditlevson said an earlier review of children’s books didn’t cost an add’l penny. Either the section was extremely small or the review sought was more narrow than the current project. A quote fr a Board member in The Daily Caller sounds rational. “All we’ve asked HEPL 2/13

staff is to review books that could contain explicit graphic content. If any is found, we are not removing the book... We want to be an inclusive and tolerant environment for all.” That’s from Hamilton County preacher/seeker of power Micah Beckwith. His tone in an exchange with 3/13

Fishers City Council member Jocelyn Vare: “You, a ‘leader’ in Fishers, shouldn’t be fighting me on keeping porn out of the hands of children… but you are.” Beckwith claims Vare “is steaming mad that myself and 3 other strong conservatives on the Library board have moved 4/13

pornographic material out of the children’s section. She HATES not being able to put porn in your children and grandchildren’s hands. With the recent spotlight on child sexual exploitation through great movies like The Sound Of Freedom, one has to ask the question, why are 5/13

politicians like Vare advocating for children to be exposed to sexually explicit material at a young age?? If you live in Fishers don’t vote for a woman who is hellbent on destroying your kids by exposing them to sexually explicit and harmful material.” Beckwith either lied in 6/13

his (conciliatory) comments to Kinnett or in his unhinged FB exchange. He alleged a very serious set of actions by Ms Vare. We should see a list of the books, w/page numbers & passages hefinds too smutty, and specific instances of their harmful impact on the Fishers community. 7/13

We really need to discuss his impetus. Beckwith’s impetus from “great movies like ‘The Sound Of Freedom’” Earlier today I noted that Fabian Marta, who invested enough $$$ in the movie for his name to appear in the movie’s credits faces felony charges for felony child kidnaping.8/13

A person w/the handle “AXXA” (& in parens “pureblood”) sd: “Fabian Marta was released. He was just the landlord to a lady who took her own kids in a custody dispute.” Charges weren’t dismissed. The article to which the reply was linked said Marta “helped somebody who 9/13

had unlawfully taken her children and interfered with the return of the two children to their lawful parent ‘by refusing to allow police access to the residence and impeding the kidnapping investigation.’” Charges were not dropped. Kids being kept by a parent who spirits them 10/13

away can turn deadly. An interesting twist, particularly because Beckwith (who, I always point out w/pride, called me an idiot) embraces Marta. In The Riverfront Times on 8/7/23, Ray Hartmann, “the more interesting local angle of the story is Marta’s connection to controversial” 11/13

Rockwood School Board member Jessica Clark” whose “claim to fame was that she was the first person elected to a school board after proudly holding the title, ‘Sugar Baby.’” The Post-Dispatch reported that Clark was being condemned by Rockwood school district leaders and parents 12/13

for having “mocked students with disabilities and used political slurs...” in a recorded speech that has been shared widely on social media.” Tomorrow night at 9 on John Schmitz’s FB podcast, Ms Vare will a guest, as will Beckwith. I’ll do smalltalk on this topic. 13/13

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