Civil Discourse Now

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Beckwith's problem with his impetus & pornography

As kids there were books, plays & movies we were told not to read or view.. History is not kind to people who censor writings & other forms of art. One person thought Shakespeare went too far. (Look up “bowdlerize”) Our laws are based on notice that a thing is illegal. “Ignorance 1/5

of the law is no excuse,” but whether something violates the law is different. People can try to define “pornography.” The closest: “I know it when I see it.” Jacobellis v Ohio, 378 U.S. 184, 197 (1964). The past few months, there has been controversy because 4 of the 7 members 2/5

of the Hamilton East Library Board have pursued a policy to move books to an adult section. One of the 4 is Micah Beckwith, a Hamilton County preacher/IN Lt Gov wannabe. Beckwith (who, I’m proud to say, has called me an “idiot”) replied online to Jocelyn Vare, a member of the 3/5

Fishers City Council, that he & the other 3 Board members had “moved pornographic material out of the children’s section.” Beckwith’s impetus is from “great movies like ‘The Sound Of Freedom’” Fabian Marta invested enough $$$ in that movie that his name appears in the 4/5

movie’s credits. His name also appears on charges for felony child kidnaping w/a possible life sentence. If we need to be protected from any book, one is chock-full of sex, degradation and violence & has caused a lot of deaths and wars, Beckwith should try to restrict the bible. 5/5

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