Civil Discourse Now

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In 2016 the Democratic Party was split as badly as it had been in 1968 and in 1980. I knew, or got to know, and worked with people who had worked in the campaigns of, or otherwise supported, Secretary Clinton or Senator Sanders. The split was bitter for many. 1/5

By contrast, Pres Biden’s run for nomination by the Democratic Party in 2024 is unopposed. As Pres Truman said “whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it.” He later clarified the necessity of leaders not to become paralyzed by introspection. [FN1] 2/5

As people argue over whether Pres Biden should step aside, they should realize that the decision has been made & move on. To raise this as an issue so late in the campaign only benefits trump & is an issue that could have been raised a year ago. 3/5

History is repeating on another front. Treason worked for the GOP in 1968, 1972, 1980 and from 2015 to present. For nearly a decade, trump has been played b y Putin. Pres Biden heads the ticket for November. G’night.I shall post more later. It’s almost time for bed. 4/5

FN1. Coutu, Diane, “Harry Truman’s Reality-Based Leadership,” Harvard Business Review, 6/11/08. 5/5

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