Civil Discourse Now

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DEAN:: How Are those interviews going?

PROF: (head of Physics Dept): Pretty well. I narrowed it down to two candidates like you asked. Here are my notes. I don’t think there’s any question. Did you watch the videos of their lectures?

DEAN : (Reviews pages.) Okay ... I agree. This guy Smith has an excellent speaking style.

PROF: It’s not HOW he says things, but WHAT he says.

DEAN: Well, I don’t know this physics stuff.

PROF: And if we hire Smith our students will understand just as much about physics as you. Or even worse. He got his degrees from a religious school that teaches the World is flat and was made in six days 6,000 years ago.

DEAN: And you know the directive we got from the Board of Trustees. We have to respect the religious beliefs of faculty. And if we hire this other guy, what do I tell parents who call & complain?

PROF: I don’t know, but it’s not Smith I want to hire.

DEAN: I’m gonna have to overrule you. Thank this Stephen Hawking guy for applying. Wish him luck.

NOTE: This dialogue is fiction. In a maga universe, however, is such a scenario possible? Substitute trump  for Smith....

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