Civil Discourse Now

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Replacing Pres Biden on ticket does a GOP "thing": disenfranchises voters

Among reasons that replacement of Pres Biden on the Democratic Party ticket would be wrong: Primary voters chose Pres Biden. To replace him because party leaders believe his replacement is in the best interests of the party feeds a very cynical view of the right to vote. 1/5

Replacement would effectively disenfranchise those who voted for Pres Biden. Concerns about Pres Biden’s cognitive health could have been raised last year or someone could have run against the Prez and argued competency, but Pres Biden was kinda busy leading the USA. 2/5

GOP leaders are doubly incensed by Hamas and Israel having accepted a framework for a cease fire and for return of any hostages. [FN1] First, this is another plus for Pres Biden. Second, sale ofn condos on the Gaza shore would have put more $$$ in Kushner’s pockets. 3/5

To return to the issue of disenfranchisement: I thought it is this iteration of the GOP that does not consider the right to vote as being of importance. Forces of censorship are blocking my blog on one social media platform as soonm as I post. So, please read this & pass it on. 4/5

FN1. Jerusalem Post, 7/12/24. 5/5

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