Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Public libraries are amongst the last places where we access not simply facts, but maps of so much that has gone before

We had few books in the country. A 1948 encyclopedia had stale prose w/photos black & white. Alto & New London elementary schools had no libraries. A few times a year we got flyers to order books by mail. The 1965 Palm Sunday tornados wiped out schools in Alto & 1/7

Russiaville. Schools consolidated & 6th grade was in a new building w/its own library. Books about history & mythology were not simply “facts” but maps of so much that has gone before. I learned to think. My parents got an Encyclopedia Britannica w/many photos in color. 2/7

School taught civil rts hadn’t been a problem since the Civil War, but the evening news showed history as it unfolded w/demonstrations & riots. “We interrupt this program for a special report” was an oft-heard phrase. We had a non-war. News anchors reported on Vietnam. In stats 3/7

of the week, we always killed & wounded (a lot) more of “them,” to imply we were winning. Women demanded = rights. Factory jobs vanished. LGBTQ+ people were tired of dying & being shoved around. The air & water sucked. Foundations of the American legend cracked. 4/7

White males in a vibrant World of 3 networks (& maybe UHF) were made to feel insecure for the benefit of people who run things. Info is lost in chaos. All those internet sites bury us in a toxic mass of noise. Millions of images become monochromatic. At WWI’s end, Indiana was 5/7

infested by what today is called Christian nationalism. In 1920 it was called the Klan. A temporary 4-3 majority on HEPL’s board got books jerked off the shelves & put in limbo. Of course a candidate for office who claims to speak to “God” about politics, pushes a 6/7

far-right agenda & warns people to “stay away from higher education and [its] secular progressive bias,” wants to gut public libraries, among the last places where we have ready access - to things not simply “facts,” but maps of so much that has gone before. 7/7

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