Civil Discourse Now

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We all should be scared of a Beckwith in office

Ham Co preacher Micah Beckwith [FN1] posted a campaign ad under a header “I’m under attack by the Left.” It’s easy to play down Beckwith’s claims. He is a clown, not very smart & lies about our history. He says he talks to “God” about politics & says “They’re scared of me winning.” 1/8

Only 1 person should be more scared of Beckwith winning than friends of mine, conservatives who fear a Beckwith in office. Beckwith has weapons training for people in his church. As a board member of HEPL [FN2] he has shown how he can screw up a library system. 2/8

Beckwith pushed a policy, based on a lie. [FN3] The policy is on hold so it can be reviewed. In the meantime, that boneheaded policy keeps books off of shelves. He believes only people like him can be moral. [FN4] He confronted a woman late at night as she donated to a food pantry. 3/8

We cannot let history repeat itself. People w/beliefs similar to Beckwith’s ran Indiana from 1920 to 1925. A few years later, an Austrian immigrant preyed on voters’ fears and became dictator of a European country. Once in office, such people don’t let go willingly. 4/8

The creator of the Red Pill convention, a far-right gathering, has said we are in a war & he and his comrades need only 15% of the people to prevail. [FN5] The Austrian who took Germany in 1933 had over 30%. Only 1 person should be more scared of Beckwith than anyone else. 5/8

If Beckwith is the GOP nominee for Lt Gov & that ticket wins the general election, the elected governor needs a taste tester for the food and drink. Better yet: read the history of Rome from 37 C.E. onward. One may hope those books still are available. 6/8

Footnotes: FN1. Beckwith ran in the 2020 GOP primary for INCD5 and lost. He has announced he seeks the GOP nomination for Lt Gov in 2024. office; FN2. Hamilton East Public Library; FN3. Beckwith claims the library hands out pornography to kids; 7/8

Footnotes: FN4. In a 10/24/19 video titled “The Church’s role in politics,” Beckwith says “the church” provides the morality America was founded on and that you cannot be moral if you are a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew.” FN5. G. Edward Griffin, Mouthwash,” 7/5/2022. 8/8

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