A mob is an ugly thing! Inspector Kemp [FN1] exhorts villagers, in “Young Frankenstein,” to march on the castle. A “mob” is “a disorderly or riotous crowd of people [] bent on or engaged in lawless violence.” [FN2] We expect media to describe events accurately. We should be 1/8
careful, on social media, using “mobs,” “civil war,” or any term that now is a euphemism for violent behavior. Of recent mass shootings that make us the land of the free (fire zone), shooters’ radicalization by social media has been ascribed some blame. [FN3] John Schmitz hosts 2/8
“Mouthwash” (on FB Tuesdays at 9 p.m.). His guests include anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and even a home-grown Christo-fascist. John and I disagree on most issues, including HEPL’s [FN4] book review policy that grabbed national media attention. I stood near John most of 3/8
the 8/24/23 HEPL board meeting. John posted descriptions of the meeting & interactions he has had w/people since, e.g. 8/24: “The angry mob sits and waits to rip on the library board.” 9/3: “The angry mob is attacking me personally now. They are who you think they are.” 8/24: 4/8
I didn’t see a mob & I stood near John most of the meeting. If anyone had engaged in “lawless violence” at anytime, the Noblesville PD officers present were under a duty to arrest any such person. [FN5]. A slam on the internet isn’t pleasant, but a group that does it isn’t a mob. 5/8
And Inspector Kemp said “riot,” not “mob.” Even sarcastic uses of quotes from movies should be accurate. If something does not look accurate, read to the end. Finally, Mark Twain said if you’re mad, count to 10. If you’re still mad, cuss. 6/8
Footnotes: FN1. Played by Kenneth Mars. FN2. Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed. 2001, p. 1234. FN3. Report, New York Attorney General, 10/18/22; NBC News, 5/8/23, Dallas outlet shooter & rants against Jews, women and racial minorities. 7/8
Footnotes:FN4.Hamilton East Public Library. FN5. Noblesville PD officers present were under a duty to arrest, without process, all persons who within view violate statutes” I.C. § 36-8-3-6(c)(2). 8/8
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