“A,” your loved one, has an infection & drugs prescribed don’t seem to work. Do you want A treated by a physician who was taught from grade 1 through med school that evolution is only a “theory”? “Bacteria can rapidly EVOLVE resistance to antibiotics. [] rise of resistant 1/8
'superbugs' threatens our ability to use antimicrobials like antibiotics” [FN1] Science: “theory” is not a guess, but a “well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts.” Ex: The theory of gravitation. [FN2] This 2/8
disparagement of science is unique to religious schools. IN religious schools thrive on vouchers. [FN3] IN’s Constitution, Art. I, sec 6 seems clear: “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, for the benefit of any religious or theological institution.” IN’s Supreme Court clearly 3/8
sees $ go to parents, who “choose.” [FN4] Jim Crow laws did similar end runs to violate voting rights of Black people in the post-Civil War south, but even SCOTUS in 1915 saw through that ruse. [FN5] And, to be clear, vouchers are bad. [FN6.] About your loved one, A. IN 4/8
public ed’n is gutted. Everybody worries about mass shooters (all those nifty drills!) Teachers & librarians have to wonder if they’ll be subject to criminal charges. A’s MD might know a “fix” for that evolved resistance. If the MD’s an atheist, that’s better than a prayer. 5/8
Footnotes: FN1. Science Daily, 5/11/23; FN2. “What Is a Theory?”American Museum of Natural History; FN3. “99.4% of voucher money is going to religious schools.” Ind Coalition for Public Ed’n, Monroe County, 9/9/19; FN4. Meredith v Pence, 49S00-1203-PL-172 (3/26/13). 6/8
Footnotes: FN5. E.g., color of skin not barred, only if the person’s grandfather couldn’t vote, i.e. was a slave, struck down Guinn v. U.S., 238 U.S. 347 (1915). FN6. There have been four independent, high-quality studies of the academic effects of state voucher programs. All 7/8
Footnotes: of them found students lost ground when they got a voucher and moved from a public to a private school.” Steve Hinnefield, “Expanding Vouchers Would Be Bad for Kids, Bad for Indiana,” Indiana Capital Chronicle, 1/12/23. 8/8
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