Civil Discourse Now

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HEPL board members & board attorneys talking business: Indiana's Open Door law

This morning my friend, John Schmitz, objected to comments/behaviors of some ppl (including me) who oppose recent policies of the directors of HEPL [FN1.] One objection is to “spying.” To “spy”: “to observe secretively or furtively w/hostile intent.” [FN2] I think he refers to 1/9

a post fr 8/18, re-posted by author John Green [FN3]: “I stopped into my favorite local coffee shop today around 3:15pm. Imagine my surprise to see HEPL board member Ray Maddalone, soon to be former HEPL board member Laura Alerding and the HEPL legal team...” 2/9

1) Conversation was in a public place where a person has no reasonable expectation of privacy [FN4], esp when one person was particularly loud. [FN5]
2) HEPL is subject to Indiana’s Open Door Law. [FN6] The talk by law was open & public, so observing it wasn’t secretive. 3/9

3) The 1st library in Noblesville opened in 1856, the 1st township library was opened in 1883, the Fishers Library was built in 1993 & “in 2008, over 2 million items were circulated.” [FN7] For decades the constituent libraries of HEPL have served the community well. 4/9

Why now? Look at political candidates, especially one who A) says he talks w/”God” about politics; B) seeks political power C) holds weapons training at his church & D) claims to be a “Constitutional conservative,” but knows little of the Const’n & has to lie. 5/9

Footnotes: FN1.Hamilton East Public Library; FN2. Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed., 2001, p. 1849; FN3. Mr. Green is the author, among other titles, of “The Fault in Our Stars,” a book HEPL had removed from its teen section for review & possible 6/9

placement in an adult section. Public outcry was significant & HEPL reversed its decision. FN4. Cullison v. Medley, 570 N.E.2d 27 (Ind. 1991); FN5. “We’re lucky Ray’s voice carries ...” 7/9

Footnotes: FN6. “... this state and its political subdivisions exist only to aid in the conduct of the business of the people of this state. ... the official action of public agencies be conducted and taken openly, unless otherwise expressly provided by statute..” I.C. § 5-14-1.5-1, et seq. 8/9

Footnotes: FN7.

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