Conclusion: Ham Co preacher/GOP library board member Micah Beckwith on his claims “God” authored or “inspired” Constitution. Unlike Beckwith I gave sources for points I argue (check the footnotes in last few days’ blog/tweets.) (Sorry if this is a bit long) 1/8
1) “God” as author/inspiration is not invoked/mentioned in 2//21/1787 resolution for convention
2) Only mention: “religion” (Art. VI) is inconsistent w/ “God” as author/inspiration.
3) Group-led prayer was suggested (Benj Franklin) & never came to a vote. 2/8
4) “God”as author/inspiration wasn’t argument cited by ppl FOR ratification, but against.
5) State ratification conventions discussed need 4 Bill of Rts, but not “God” as author/inspiration.
What Beckwith does say: 3/8
A) ppl who deny “God” wrote/inspired Const’n R ignorant (he only cites writing, yrs after ratif’n, by John Jay,1st SCOTUS CJ, but wasn’t at Convention
B) “stay away from higher education and [its] secular progressive bias” [no cites]
C) training/ed’n on const’l law is fr “Hillsdale College” + private studies & research.” [no specifics + Hillsdale course is crap] 4/8
D) Tues. 8/8/23 on “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s FB podcast, Beckwith says O.T. prophet & Jesus called ppl names, so Beckwith can, too. Bottom line:
-College debate: if a team fails to address a point that team drops that point.
-In courts of law: party’s failure to address a point = waiver.
-Beckwith has dropped & waived. 5/8
-I cite contemporaneous or primary sources (res of Congress, Const’n itself), Federalist, State rat’n conventions) except for 2 sources: a) One is cited for State rat’n conventions, but I then cite North Carolina & its two conventions; and b) Source for definition of deism. 6/8
-IN’s GOP was hijacked by the KKK in the 1920s, DON’T let history repeat.
-Sen Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) on religious forces getting control of GOP: they “frighten me. They believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't & won't compromise.” Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ). 7/8
-Ppl need to be aware of Beckwith & his goals:
-Politician who claims to talk w/”God” about political issues.
-Can’t win on the ballot so he’s trying end run to be Lt Gov.
-We’ve seen what he’s done to the Fishers library & if LtGov it will be worse.
-If you doubt me: read. 8/8
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