Question, rephrased: how else do you interpret The Constitution except via “original intent” of the Framers? [FN1] Some want our country to return to a “happy”, albeit, imaginary time, stuck in the jurisprudence of 1787. A short answer is: we do that every day. A longer answer: 1/10
In very few cases is interpretation of any provisions of the seven Articles of The Constitution, as signed on 9/17/1787 by 36 of 39 delegates present in Philadelphia, at issue. Several reasons can be…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 30, 2024 at 4:48pm — No Comments
Tonight is the first of two debates scheduled between President Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party, and Donald Trump, of this iteration of the Republican Party. Between hosts, regular guests and people with expertise in debate, pretty much every contingency has been discussed. 1/10
A cursory search does not indicate GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith [FN1], has given his opinion of what to anticipate. Amongst a universe of reasons why Beckwith’s name did not appear, a few…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 27, 2024 at 4:08pm — No Comments
A post on FB [FN1] asked: "What do we do now about Beckwith?" Suggestions’ goal was make sure the public knows who Beckwith is. [FN2] I say make Mike Braun, GOP nominee for IN Gov tell everyone NOW, before we go further, if the GOP ticket wins: 1/12
A) Will Gov Braun limit Beckwith to the authority of the office Lt Gov? Indiana’s Constitution & statutes make the job of IN Lt Gov more than ceremonial. [FN3] Goals Beckwith stated last year are outside Lt Gov’s authority. [FN4] He…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 26, 2024 at 6:44pm — No Comments
Nearly two weeks ago, FB [FN1] began to pull posts under civildiscoursenow [FN2] and under my name for having “tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” The subject of the posts in question has been Micah Beckwith. [FN3] [FN4] 1/9
Implicit to posts on matters related to politics, social issues or consumer goods is an intent “to get likes, follows, shares or video views.” The process of “appeal,” as I sought in each instance, is as farcical as the rule…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 23, 2024 at 6:16pm — No Comments
Micah Beckwith has claimed he has talks w/”The Lord” about events or matters specific to Beckwith’s run for IN Lt Gov. [FN1] Temptation to use satire to lampoon an extremist candidate, like Beckwith is great. We also need to address the chats seriously and as falsehoods..1/11
There seem to have been two “chats.” The first was described by Beckwith in a “selfie” video Beckwith shot in his car: “I sent those riots to Washington. What you saw yesterday [01/06/21] was my hand at work.”…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 20, 2024 at 3:44pm — No Comments
Last weekend, delegates to Indiana’s State GOP convention nominated Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith for Lt Gov. The result shocked campaign staffers for Mike Braun, the GOP’s nominee for Gov, who had chosen as a running mate, a woman. [FN1] 1/8
Cynics might suggest Braun really wanted Beckwith, a male, as a running mate. Realists might counter that suggestion w/a simple fact: Braun staffers sent promotional emails for his pick for running mate to delegates on the morning of…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 19, 2024 at 2:47pm — No Comments
People can try to shut you up because you’re boring, but when they shut down access to media, it is something more. Last week, in a two-minute op-ed on “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast on Facebook, I criticized Micah Beckwith, IN GOP’s nominee for Lt Gov. 1/8
Beckwith took a different approach by recruiting people to “run” for slots as State convention delegates. Beckwith probably recruited people who have the capacity to be moral. Beckwith has said only Christians have the…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 18, 2024 at 8:18pm — No Comments
Nobody boards an airliner if informed the pilot is suicidal. [FN1] Last Tuesday, Hamilton County preacher/GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov Micah Beckwith was a scheduled guest on “Mouthwash.” [FN2] My op-ed expressed a view both different & not liked. [FN3] [FN4] That “view”? 1/11
1) Beckwith is power-hungry; 2) He’s delusional re chats w/”The Lord,” but to think he doesn’t aspire to high Fed office is more delusional than Beckwith; 3) Evangelicals are nihilistic, esp re: Armageddon;…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 17, 2024 at 8:30pm — No Comments
Often the person who shouts “morality” loudest lacks that quality. Indiana’s GOP convention, on 6/15/24, nominated Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith, 891 to 828, over Rep Julie McGuire, the nominal pick of GOP primary winner Sen Mike Braun. There are indicators 1/11
Braun was not enthusiastic about McGuire as a #2. (E.g., Braun’s campaign emails, touting McGuire, were sent to delegates the morning of the convention). He can say his effort to name a woman for #2 was spoiled by…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 16, 2024 at 6:21am — No Comments
We all should fear Beckwith, the Indiana GOP nominee for Lt Governor. In April a person said to me: “Beckwith on the GOP ticket is good for the Democrats.” I replied: “Never should hope the worst people on the other side in elections get the nominations.” It’s not a game. 1/9
Elections are to sporting contests as Supreme Court justices are to umpires in baseball: they’re not. The futures of our country & world are at stake. Once Beckwith gets the power he craves, he won’t want to…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 15, 2024 at 4:57pm — No Comments
Tomorrow is the xGOP State convention. Here are some important points:
1) This iteration of the GOP (“xGOP”) is a corporate entity w/benefits (e.g., automatic placement on the ballot of its candidates, public finances for its PR (a/k/a primary elections).) 1/10
2) Far-right Terre Haute attorney James Bopp, central to creating xGOP & voters will find trying to re-take xGOP back nearly impossible.
3) xGOP has no valid claim it’s the “Party of Lincoln”: it would gut…
Added by Mark Small on June 14, 2024 at 10:21am — No Comments
On 6/11, Facebook removed posts I’d written. Later, on “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast, the guest was Ham County preacher Micah Beckwith, who is seeking the GOP nomination for IN Lt Gov. For a 2-minute spot I do each week, I talked about Beckwith. Context: GOP issues 1/8
GOP candidates for Gov ran on issues far outside a governor’s authority.
Beckwith calls himself a Christian nationalist. I addressed the nihilistic foundation of Beckwith’s beliefs. Beckwith believes the book…
Added by Mark Small on June 13, 2024 at 2:58pm — No Comments
I’m beginning to get it. Even when I cite sources for information that I rely upon for points that I make about a Christofascist who is seeking the GOP nomination for Lt Gov in Indiana, and I do not pander or mislead, I get reported for violating Facebook rules.
Added by Mark Small on June 13, 2024 at 10:26am — No Comments
Facebook pulled my 6/11 blog: “It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” The blog/tweets concerns Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith and his effort to be nominated for Lt Governor by the GOP. 1/7
Most posts in social media try “to get likes, follows, shares or video views.” There are metrics that assist in this matter. FB’s AI perhaps views the blog as “a misleading.” There’s little point in trying to talk w/a human at FB or Meta…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 12, 2024 at 7:52am — No Comments
There is little reason to speculate about the dead in the past: he’ll deny accountability & probably dispute numbers. [FN1] There’s even less reason to guess at dead in the future. IN Lt Gov hardly has any authority. He’s only saying what Hoosiers want to hear. We live in scary times. 1/11
Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith seeks the GOP’s nomination for Lt Gov at the State convention this Saturday in Indy. For a year he’s worked to get 908 of the 1,814 delegates [FN2] &…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 11, 2024 at 6:40pm — No Comments
Today I posted, on FB and “X/formerly twitter,” a blog/tweets about Ernie Pyle and his writings after D-Day. Pyle was born in Indiana, was a student in IU’s School of Journalism in the 1920s & won a Pulitzer for his writings as a war correspondent in WW2. Later, FB notified me: 1/3
“It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” On a different screen it is noted, in part: “Our technology found your content doesn't follow our Community…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 7, 2024 at 6:33pm — No Comments
A brilliant Hoosier writer, Ernie Pyle was a war correspondent; 80 years ago, he wrote about D-Day. In part: “It was a lovely day for strolling along the seashore. Men were sleeping on the sand, some of them sleeping forever. Men were floating in the water, but they didn’t know they 1/8
were in the water, for they were dead. [] The wreckage was vast and startling. The awful waste & destruction of war, even aside fr the loss of human life has always been one of its outstanding…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 7, 2024 at 2:17pm — No Comments
Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith [FN1] wants to be the GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov. In a 20-sec YouTube video, he looks into the camera & says he’ll be “an insurance policy against the woke mob.” [FN2] His target audience: delegates to the GOP State convention. [FN3] 1/11
Beckwith recruited people 2 B on the May 7 primary ballot as delegates because those delegates name the party’s nominee for Lt Gov. But Beckwith’s run for Lt Gov is based on falsehoods & each day brings…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 3, 2024 at 7:20pm — No Comments
In November, Hoosier voters can vote for Governor, just like Hoosiers in May’s GOP primary cast a ballot for Sen Mike Braun. Each time, voters had an illusion of voting for a person who would fulfill the duties of the office of Gov if Braun prevails in November. 1/8
The problem is Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith [FN1] who’s running to be GOP’s nominee for Lt Gov. [FN2] If you do not recall having the chance to vote for a candidate for Lt Gov on your primary ballot, that’s…
ContinueAdded by Mark Small on June 2, 2024 at 3:14pm — No Comments
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