Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Tonight is the first of two debates scheduled between President Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party, and Donald Trump, of this iteration of the Republican Party. Between hosts, regular guests and people with expertise in debate, pretty much every contingency has been discussed. 1/10

A cursory search does not indicate GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith [FN1], has given his opinion of what to anticipate. Amongst a universe of reasons why Beckwith’s name did not appear, a few minutes ago, in results of such a search on this computer, three stand out. 2/10

1. On various social media platforms, Beckwith has blocked me. [FN2] Some see such a block as the highest form of compliment from a Christofascist. [FN3] I disagree. On “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast on FB, Beckwith called me an “idiot.” That was the highest compliment. 3/10

2, That also underscores Beckwith’s reluctance to engage in debate. His description, in a post in 2020, of being able to see an opponent’s argument “a mile away,” shows he never competed in debate. [FN4] Debate is not like poker. Arguments are not secret from one’s opponent. 4/10

In debate, the arguments are in the open, as in chess. Beckwith’s real “edge” as seen in HEPL board meetings, when few members of the public attended, Beckwith verbally abused library employees. Like all bullies, Beckwith is a coward. He runs away if a fight is even. 5/10

A basic rule in debate: stay quiet when the other side talks, a rule trump violated constantly in past “debates.”[FN5] Beckwith has one more “tool.” Falsification of evidence is the worst thing a debater can do. If Beckwith needs authority, he can makes up a chat with “The Lord.” 6/10

3. Sun-Tzu wrote: If your enemy is [] in superior strength, evade him.” That might be trump’s only hope tonight. It’s served Beckwith well.
As I’ve said in the past few blogs, these are being pulled so others cannot read. If you see this, please pass it on. 7/10

FN1. Hamilton County preacher, lost in 2020 GOP primary for INCD5; appointed to Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) board w/little notice to the public & quit half-way through a four-year term.
FN2. If the blocks occurred at the same time that phish e-mails for unseemly sexual liaisons w/women who wanted to come here from overseas stopped, is mere coincidence. 8/10

FN3. “[A] term that is used to describe a far-right political ideology that denotes an intersection between fascism and Christianity. [] a neologism that was coined in 1970 by the liberation theologian Dorothee Sölle. “The Rise of the Christofascists,” Counterpoint, 10/29/23. 9/10

FN4. Beckwith graduated fr Huntington University. Neither as a participant (DePauw, 1973 to 1978) nor as a coach (IUPUI, 1990 to 1994) did our teams encounter a team from Huntington).
FN5. In one debate in 2020, a moderator could & did cut trump’s mic. Tonight’s similar. 10/10

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