Civil Discourse Now

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There is little reason to speculate about the dead in the past: he’ll deny accountability & probably dispute numbers. [FN1] There’s even less reason to guess at dead in the future. IN Lt Gov hardly has any authority. He’s only saying what Hoosiers want to hear. We live in scary times. 1/11

Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith seeks the GOP’s nomination for Lt Gov at the State convention this Saturday in Indy. For a year he’s worked to get 908 of the 1,814 delegates [FN2] & be #2 on the ticket. Mike Braun won the primary for Gov. That doesn’t matter. 2/11

Beckwith appeals to a hardcore right-wing base. In 2020's GOP primary for INCD5 he placed third. He learned a lesson. In 2022 he was spirited onto HEPL w/o public notice, past 15 others who weren’t even considered. [FN3] A lot of money was wasted. [FN4] 3/11

Beckwith claimed he wanted to protect children from “smut,” but is ignorant of how publishers & libraries catalogue books. Community outrage put him in a minority. He quit HEPL & went to work to be Lt Gov. He believes America is straying from its Christian principles that 4/11

motivated him to get into politics. Beckwith blamed America’s problems on a list of issues for which, according to him, the Bible has already provided guidance. That God literally called him to step up and make sure America does not lose its Biblical values. [FN5] 5/11

Beckwith lies about America’s origins. Two words absent from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation and The Federalist: “Jesus Christ.” Beckwith is against women’s rights (big surprise) & is a Christofascist. He wants power. 6/11

“The Lord” told Beckwith “if you do not get involved in the political battle, they will warp and destroy everything that I have set up in this nation that is rooted in Judeo-Christian principles.’ Those principles go away, then our nation goes away.” [FN6] What!? 7/11

Beckwith claims to get counsel from a weak, pathetic, lame-ass deity. If Beckwith doesn’t get involved in the political battle what the “Lord” set up will be destroyed? Wow! Beckwith is either really strong or this is the same crap Indiana saw in the early 1920s. 8/11

FN1. “22,450 Hoosiers died from the virus after the date [Micah Beckwith] he made that video, including 616 residents in his home of Hamilton County.” Nathan Gotsch, Fort Wayne Politics, 6/10/24.
FN2. Id. 9/11

FN3. Rebecca Rudolph, Change.Org, Remove Micah Beckwith from HEPL Library Board, 2/25/23. Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL). 10/11

FN4. Not seen figures re moving the books cost, but I was on staff at libraries at Purdue University (1980-82, 85-86) and Northwestern University Sch of Law (1982-85) when collections were moved. The moves are neither easy nor cheap.
FN5. Note 1, Id.
FN6. Note 1, Id. 11/11

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