Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Blog 24-103: staring down stupidity w/absurdity

Last weekend, delegates to Indiana’s State GOP convention nominated Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith for Lt Gov. The result shocked campaign staffers for Mike Braun, the GOP’s nominee for Gov, who had chosen as a running mate, a woman. [FN1] 1/8

Cynics might suggest Braun really wanted Beckwith, a male, as a running mate. Realists might counter that suggestion w/a simple fact: Braun staffers sent promotional emails for his pick for running mate to delegates on the morning of the convention. [FN2] 2/8

Not to make too much of mere “looks,” but suggestions that Braun’s choice merely was a “beard” ignore a photo, at the end of the convention, of the fine, manly visages of Braun, Beckwith, and AG Todd Rokita. Each is clean-shaven. 3/8

Practical matters to consider: 1) Will Braun require Beckwith to write down, in full, any “chats” Beckwith has w/”The Lord” so as not to take Braun by surprise w/embellishments Beckwith has a tendency to add (as needed by Beckwith)? 4/8

2) Will Beckwith, as a student of history (not real, only imagined), visit each of Indiana’s 92 counties in the same vehicle that D.C. Stephenson’s chauffeur drove in March, 1925? One century backward seems appropriate for Beckwith. 5/8

3) At campaign stops, will there be dinners or other semi-formal events and, if so, what will be appropriate attire? (Some organizations give guidance for proper attire, depending upon one’s bundt, but hooded robes of other groups can be confusing.) And, finally, 6/8

4) Will this GOP ticket, during the campaign, set a schedule, in the event of GOP victory, for legislation it will promote? For example, will Indiana’s eugenics laws bne restored in the first or second session; when can Pi be set at a number kids can remember? 7/8

FN1. Her name, at this moment, escapes us and, judging from the result of votes of delegates, escaped them on Saturday, June 15.
FN2. That really doesn’t do much to dispute those damn cynics, but now is a time for unity, not dissent. 8/8

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