Civil Discourse Now

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October 2024 Blog Posts (16)

Record everything Beckwith

Europe had wounds to heal, the most noticeable stretching nearly 500 miles from the North Sea to Switzerland, [FN1] at the conclusion of the Great War. [FN2] Germany had a significant price to pay as the nation other nations blamed for the carnage that ensued from August, 1914. 1/7

Since World War II, prosecutors at the Nuremberg war crimes trials, as well as historians, had records from which they pieced together how leaders of the NSDAP went from little support in the Weimer…


Added by Mark Small on October 15, 2024 at 8:35pm — No Comments

Beckwith as primarying Todd Young for U.S. Senate in 2028!?

A story this morning on Importantville [FN1] discloses facts that should give intelligent & sane people more reasons to vote against the Republican Party ticket for Gov/Lt Gov. At first glance, one might feel hope: Micah Beckwith [FN2] is holding a fundraiser for her/himself. 1/10

Beckwith had a year to promote himself & won the party’s nomination for Lt Gov. S/he beat, by 67 votes, the pick named by Mike Braun, the party’s nominee for Gov. [FN3] For Beckwith now to raise… Continue

Added by Mark Small on October 15, 2024 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Beckwith's threat to fire staff over pronouns is wrong & would be grounds for lawsuits

Of many reasons to keep IN magaGOP Lt Gov nominee Micah Beckwith as far as possible from political power, two dovetail. At a Monroe County GOP dinner, Beckwith said s/he “would fire staff members with pronouns in their email signature.” [FN1] Two reasons? 1/7

Morality and money join in harmony. In Bostock v. Clayton County, 17-1618, the Court held “an employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” [FN2]…


Added by Mark Small on October 14, 2024 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Beckwith's firing staff over pronouns is wrong & would be grounds for lawsuits

Morality and money join in harmony. In Bostock v. Clayton County, 17-1618, the Court held “an employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” [FN2] Beckwith really comes out to say how he feels: 2/7

“If you think that men can be women and women can be men, and there’s pronouns needed when we’re talking to one another, you don’t understand the basics of even reality.” [FN3] Beckwith is the one who needs to…


Added by Mark Small on October 14, 2024 at 5:23pm — No Comments

If magaGOP Beckwith is elected Lt Gov, ppl will be fired over pronouns

Someone posted a comment on Facebook to the effect that there is no point to debating issues we face today because everyone’s mind is “made up.” This implies a narrow purpose to debate, one of winning or losing in a competition. [FN1] Election campaigns deluge us w/info. 1/11

We see & hear candidates for office. Some candidates lie. When their lies go unchallenged, there is a greater probability of those candidates taking office. Because debate is adversarial, it has a greater…


Added by Mark Small on October 14, 2024 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Beckwith: the face of magaGOP (over which party leaders might want to place a hockey mask)

Micah Beckwith [FN1] is the IN magaGOP nominee for Lt Gov. [FN2] Gosh golly! The person in the #2 slot on such a ticket usually is an after thought. The winner of the May primary to be the lead on the ticket thought so before & after the State convention in June. 1/12

Beckwith started her/his end-run on party leadership in June, 2023. [FN3] Earth did nearly a lap around the Sun & Beckwith drove a lot of miles recruiting Hoosiers to be delegates before the primary winner…


Added by Mark Small on October 13, 2024 at 11:16am — No Comments

Hoosier voters have to focus on Micah Beckwith, magaGOP's nominee for Lt Gov, because the nominee for Gov didn't

In a debate w/Democratic Party nominee for IN Gov Jennifer McCormick, Mike Braun said, “So when you’re focusing on a lieutenant governor that means you’re shaky on what your own plans are going to be.” [FN1] Braun might be correct in the typical Gov/Lt Gov election, but 1/13

2024's election for IN Gov/Lt Gov is not typical BECAUSE of Braun’s running mate, Hamilton County preacher Micah Beckwith. If an Austrian former-corporal was on a ballot in Germany in 1932 as #2, hell yes the…


Added by Mark Small on October 11, 2024 at 2:57pm — No Comments

Beckwith tell "God" to stop the hurricanes. Now.

The Indiana Republican nominee for Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith, claims to chat with “The Lord” about political issues. [FN1] I’ve noted how content gets added to prior chats when Beckwith’s needs arise, i.e., Beckwith lies lie a cheap rug. 1/7

Beckwith said “The Lord” claimed credit for the Jan 6 insurrection. [FN2] [FN3]

Beckwith quotes “God” as a virtual supplicant to Beckwith. [FN4]

Beckwith has an opportunity to prove me wrong! 2/7

Beckwith can contact “God” and… Continue

Added by Mark Small on October 10, 2024 at 9:02pm — No Comments

As the Man Says: Abortion Is Not a Real Issue for 2024's Elections

Conversation this a.m.: person said SCOTUS’s striking down Roe v Wade (& a woman’s right to abortion) 2 years ago is not a real issue for 2024's elections since pregnancies frequently are terminated chemically (e.g., the “morning after” pill), not surgically. [FN1] 1/8

There are medical reasons for surgical termination of pregnancy; drs & hospitals do not want to risk prosecution. The person wanted to know facts & numbers. The research letter I cited in my most recent blog…


Added by Mark Small on October 7, 2024 at 5:05pm — No Comments

Nearly 65k women were forced to carry to term a rape-induced pregnancy

On Tuesday, September 28, I was a guest on Cassie Jackson’s podcast, streamed on Facebook. John Schmitz [FN1] was kinda on there because he’s helped Cassie w/the tech. Somehow the conversation was about women’s reproductive rights & Indiana’s laws. 1/10

I interjected that women have been harmed in Indiana because they have not been able to receive medical care necessary because of Dobson (the case that overturned Roe), Indiana’s statute that (passed soon after Dobson was handed…


Added by Mark Small on October 6, 2024 at 10:45am — No Comments

Lies essential to magaGOP, Beckwith, et aL

Lies are essential to a cult of personality that slunk away from the remains of a Republican party proud of its ties to Lincoln. A magaGOP insurrectionist who slouched through the Capitol on Jan 6, confederate flag over his shoulder, pissed away the “party of Lincoln.” [FN1] 1/12

Lies are essential to Micah Beckwith, IN magaGOP poster boy, & start w/lies about our history, [FN2] move to an implicit (& vacuous) claim to speak for all Christians, [FN3] & to top off these… Continue

Added by Mark Small on October 5, 2024 at 8:29pm — No Comments

6 points to emphasize to flip Indiana blue

I said to a friend yesterday that magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov Micah Beckwith [FN1] could be why Indiana flips blue. Beckwith’s bigotry (e.g., you lack the capacity to be moral if you’re not “Christian”; the USA was founded by & for the benefit of Christians). 1/7

My friend questioned my observation. He said people will have to link the magaGOP nominee for IN Gov Mike Braun to Beckwith & that not enough people will know who Beckwith is and what he represents to impact that…


Added by Mark Small on October 4, 2024 at 11:08am — No Comments

John Schmitz is upset that Rep Andre Carson refuses to debate, but thinks Beckwith's okay not to debate me

John Schmitz’s FB podcast, “Mouthwash,” streams Tuesdays at 9 pm. John also is the magaGOP nominee for US House INCD7, in which Andre Carson is the incumbent. John is upset because, John says, Rep Carson has refused to debate John. I only can say, “That’s a bummer.” 1/10

I feel for John. You see, Indiana’s magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov, Micah Beckwith, posted insults on my (then-) twitter feed on 2/1/20. [FN1] I inferred he had challenged me to a debate. He equivocated, then…


Added by Mark Small on October 4, 2024 at 8:04am — No Comments

The face of magaGOP Micah Beckwith ... lies

Two words: Beckwith lies.

An article about magaGOP nominee for IN Lt Gov Micah Beckwith could get people feeling sorry for Mike Braun, the party’s nominee for Gov by virtue of winning May’s primary w/236,649 votes. [FN1] Beckwith got the No. 2 spot at convention... 1/10

and by a margin of 67 delegates, not all of whom were party “insiders.” [FN2] Beckwith spent the year prior to the convention traveling the State & recruiting people to run to be delegates. Now Beckwith is…


Added by Mark Small on October 3, 2024 at 4:55pm — No Comments

Will Braun tolerate the bigotry of his running mate?>

There’s one more question that someone should ask Mike Braun [FN1], at tonight’s debate with Democratic Party nominee Jennifer McCormick. Beckwith, in a selfie video, said only Christians have the capacity to be moral. [FN2] Beckwith’s never recanted that statement. 1/7

Question: if elected governor, will Braun tolerate discrimination by Beckwith? Beckwith, the past few days, has filled in any blank spaces on his resume of prejudice, saying Hoosiers can choose between “godly boldness”…


Added by Mark Small on October 2, 2024 at 11:43am — No Comments

One question for Mike Braun ahead of Oct 2 debate...

Tomorrow evening, 10/2/24, is the first debate between the nominees for Governor of Indiana’s two “major” political parties. If both parties functioned in ways remotely sane, this blog would suggest questions, on major issues, for both candidates. 1/10

Sanity long ago left what was called “the party of Lincoln.” Sen Mike Braun won May’s primary w/236,649 votes, [FN1] but the real authority, if the ticket wins, will reside in a person who is #2 on the ticket thanks to 891 delegates at…


Added by Mark Small on October 1, 2024 at 3:44pm — No Comments

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