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Beckwith says s/he will be Special Forces in the war...

Micah Beckwith will lie to get your vote. I’ve frequently how Beckwith was nominated to be #2 (Lt Gov) at the State Republican convention after & how Mike Braun won the primary w/236K votes. That’s a ticket that can’t be split. Beckwith denies being “polarizing.” How? 1/9

At an Elkhart church in July, Beckwith said her/his “God” is “the God of War.” [FN1] Beckwith is outraged at our culture and vows to fight: “God equips some people for a hotter part of the battle” & criticized ministers : “when wolves are taking out your sheep.” 2/9

In case you wondered, Beckwith says “God has equipped us to be that that Special Forces Unit in the army of heaven right we and and ... and I don’t mean to offend anyone here ... who are you in the Kingdom of of Heaven in the army of Heaven are you going to be on 3/9

the National Guard ... But there’s major difference between the Navy Seals and the National Guard.” Also, in case anyone is curious, Beckwith has set out lines between two categories of churches that believe in “the Word” (Penecostal and Baptist) & the others. [FN2] 4/9

Beckwith lies about American history, especially the history of The Constitution. Here s/he lies w/claims of meaning no offense. Beckwith at the head of a band of self-righteous thugs is what Beckwith describes. Beckwith also has weapons training for members of his church. 5/9

If you have not voted:
1) A vote for the GOP ticket of Braun Beckwith can’t be split. So: #BrainsNotBraun
2) If Braun/BECKWITH wins, Beckwith is a heartbeat away from being Gov and 20% of all Lt Gov’s in IN have had to assume the office of Gov. 6/9

2) I’m unaware of any GOP candidates who have disavowed Beckwith, so a vote for any GOP candidate is a vote for Beckwith.
Beckwith as Lt Gov is a vision painted in blood.
Follow Cassie Jackson on FB! 7/9

FN1. FBC Elkhart, 07/21/24, has two versions on Facebook. The longer (1:15:37) appears to be the entire service w/relevant portions 0:38;00 ton 0:43:00. A shorter version has relevant portions 0:15:38 to 0:21:51. 8/9

FN2. (Methodists, Presbyterians & Lutherans, to name a three.) 9/9

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