Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

See each GOP candidate as controlled by preacher Micah Beckwith

One week from today, registered voters in Indiana, who have yet to vote (via early in-person or absentee) go to the polls. People need to be clear. Micah Beckwith [FN1] calls the shots in this iteration of what once was the “party of Lincoln.” People have died. I’m sorry... 1/8

More accurately stated: women are dying in greater numbers & disproportionately since Roe was tossed by SCOTUS & IN raced to be the first with the strictest, broadest ban of abortion. Women are expendable, after all. They’re filled with the “spirit of Jezebel.” [FN2] 2/8

In her blog this morning, Sheila Kennedy notes how numbers have gone up, post-Roe, for women dying, kids dying and impairment of screening & treatment for breast cancer. [FN3] That last is due to screening for lower-income women provided by Planned Parenthood. Another 3/8

aspect is fewer OB-GYN doctors want to practice their specialty in a State where dumbasses push for laws that have criminal penalties for MD’s who perform abortions. Long-term, of course, we can look forward to rates for violent crimes spiking in about 16 years. All this science! 4/8

When I decided to stop providing my weekly two-minute “smalltalk” for “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast on Facebook, I said that I do not want to appear to validate that show as a place where all sides can speak. And last week, John said his show allows everyone 5/8

to express themselves, and pointed to my having provided content each week for however long the show has been on. Gosh! I was right! Sorry if I bust anyone’s balloons, but that’s why I no longer do that weekly spot. So, moving onward... 6/8

Beckwith’s not accountable to anyone. If that ticket wins, Beckwith will push for theocracy. The entire slate of magaGOP candidates, it should be inferred, are under Beckwith’s thumb. If you’ve not yet voted, go w/the blue. Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! #BrainsNotBraun 7/8

FN1. Hamilton County preacher, former board member at HEPL & magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov.
FN2. Dwyer, Kayla, “Lt. Gov. candidate Micah Beckwith compares Indiana Democrats to the 'Jezebel spirit,'” IndyStar, 10/03/2024.
FNN3. 8/8

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