Let’s play “What happens if?” Values for today’s prognostication: “if” = possible outcomes of Nov 5's elections, “if’” [FN1] = 2A “remedies.” Here we go, trivializing our current morass in which so much is on the line! Special Guest “Pat” will spin the Wheel of Doom! 1/7
Sorry about that cynicism. Most advocacy for 2A remedies is from the far right. Guns are a part of the culture. Firearms, camo clothing & other items associated w/warfare figure into photos. If Harris Walz wins, but IN re-elects its far-right AG, right-wing acts of revenge 2/7
that violate the law, might go unpunished. Contrary to right-wing myth, this country did not win independence from England thanks to small arms. Factors in the victory over England include colonies’ alliance w/France, British debt incurred on account of the colonies 3/7
distance betw England & the colonies, and the colonists’ familiarity w/the territory. [FN2] The colonies had firearms, but so did the British. No quality intrinsic to firearms brandished by the colonists gave it magic. That probably will not deter 4/7
rioters trying to do another January 6 sort of thing here in Indiana. However, the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022 has removed some of the procedural gaps Jan 6 insurrectionists claimed as justification for voiding the 2020 election. [FN3] The “2A remedies” are crap. 5/7
No one should allow fascists to scare us from voting and for the candidates of our choice. So remember, a vote for any candidate of the magaGOP is a vote for Beckwith, Le Merde de Poulet. #BrainsNotBraun. Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 6/7
FN1: That’s “if prime.”
FN2. Ushistory.org “Factors Contributing to the American Victory.”
FN3. Protect Democracy, “Understanding the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022” 7/7
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