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Beckwith magaGOP nominee for IN Lt Gov: the administrative genius! (see: HEPL)

When Micah Beckwith [FN1] opens his mouth, the words of Chicago Bear/NFL Hall of Famer Steve McMichael come to mind: “He ain’t gonna win no Nobel Peace Prize for Intelligence.” In case people missed it, Beckwith wants to fire anyone who uses pronouns in emails. 1/9

At a Monroe County GOP gathering, an attendee asked if there is a “deep state” in IN. Beckwith said there is, that “we do have a plan to address it,” and there is a “really easy” way to “identify those who have far-left value systems within government.” [FN2] The way? 2/9

"If I get an email from anyone in my office or in agencies that I oversee as lieutenant governor and their signature has their email, their pronouns, on it, they're going to be gone, right?...we can certainly relegate them to places that they will have no influence." [FN3] 3/9

First, Beckwith’s statement is evidence for lawsuits that would be filed as soon as the oath is administered, if - a very big IF - Braun/BECKWITH is the winning ticket. [FN4] btw, you can’t “relegate them.” 4/9

Second, Beckwith’s use of first-person plural w/o first consulting Braun, lead on the ticket via winning the May primary w/236K votes, was precipitous for a #2 by virtue of a 63-vote margin at the GOP State convention in June. Braun’s reaction to hiring/firing: 5/9

"My administration will hire and fire employees based solely on their merit and commitment to delivering efficient, effective state government to make life better and more affordable for Hoosiers, period." [FN5] 6/9

Beckwith’s “campaign” later said “this comment was taken out of context.” [FN6] Actually, a jury can determine whether the comment was “taken out of context.” The audio still is on-line. Beckwith brags about being anti-woke. There’s one more point. 7/9

During ANTIFA/deep state orientation (the morning after the banquet in the pizzeria basement), Item 3 on the syllabus is: “Emails? Don’t use pronouns. Right-wing clowns jump on them.” So, follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! #BrainsNotBraun 8/9

FN1. Hamilton County preacher who is IN magaGOP Lt Gov nominee.
FN2 - FN6. WTHR, “Legal experts weigh in on recent statements from Indiana lieutenant governor candidate Micah Beckwith,” broadcast 10/16/24, updated 10/17/24, access 10/21/24. 9/9

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