Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

August 2024 Blog Posts (27)

Updated list of reasons Micah Beckwith, IN magaGOP nominee for Lt Gov, is unfit for office

Reasons Micah Beckwith, 2024 GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov

is unfit for any office

1) Beckwith is a bigot who believes that only Christians have the

capacity to be moral.

-10/24/19 selfie video titled “The Church’s role in politics,”

Beckwith says “the church” provides the morality America

was founded on and that you cannot be moral if you are

a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew.”

2) Micah Beckwith [FN1] claims to talk w/”The Lord” about politics. …


Added by Mark Small on August 30, 2024 at 1:47pm — No Comments

Apology for sounding paternalistic

My post of late yesterday afternoon had a paternalistic sound as I criticized a Christofascist who is the magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov. When I wrote “Women’s rights & health care affect everyone,” I did not mean to imply that, because all are affected, everyone gets a voice. 1/3

That decision is the woman’s right to make. Period. Roe was overturned by the far right justices trump put in place + Thomas, Alito and Roberts. We need to vote “blue” down the ballot. Micah Beckwith…


Added by Mark Small on August 30, 2024 at 6:47am — No Comments

Reason #4: eradicates women's rights

Reasons are not ranked, but are numbered so that people can more readily identify, to loved ones, complete strangers or whomever, reasons Micah Beckwith, nominee of the IN magaGOP [FN1] for LT GOV is not fit to hold office. Votes should be cast w/society’s best interest in mind. 1/8

The ruling elites of the USA have been very good w/labels, but mistakenly believed they could label a patriarchal system as supportive of women’s equality and independence. Quislings [FN2] pop up, as Amy…


Added by Mark Small on August 29, 2024 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Reason #3 why Beckwith is unfit for office: incompetence & entropy

Relevant to a candidate for public office are her/his: a) qualifications, in general & for the specific office; & b) prior statements about policies/issues as well as how s/he will approach the office. Micah Beckwith [FN1] comes up short on “a” and “b.” 1/11

a) Beckwith never has held elective office. Her/his only public office was on the board of trustees of HEPL, [FN2] an item not on Beckwith’s campaign website. [FN3] Beckwith’s time on HEPL though short [FN4] was highly…


Added by Mark Small on August 28, 2024 at 8:00pm — No Comments

One more thing about Beckwith's invisible "buddy"

Criticism of Micah Beckwith for his “chats” w/”The Lord” does not infringe Beckwith’s rights under U.S. [FN1] and/or Indiana [FN2] constitutions. Beckwith’s religious beliefs, no matter how absurd, are matters into which gov’t cannot inquire. [FN3] Beckwith wants more. 1/10

Beckwith is using religion to grab political power. Beckwith is unfit to hold political office for a lot of valid reasons. In 2023, s/he was under media radar & said he would be a “thorn” in the side of a…


Added by Mark Small on August 27, 2024 at 6:42pm — No Comments

Reason # 2 (cont'd)

2) Beckwith added to the January 7 chat.” Prophets of various beliefs do not add to prior drafts of 1/8

their communications w/the divine. Beckwith adds content, as needed. [FN9]

3) Beckwith’s supreme deity seems created. Beckwith has created talks w/”God,” and the feel is of the kind of deity Beckwith would create. Beckwith describes: “It was like the Lord hit me 2/8

w/a ton of bricks. He said, ‘Micah, if you do not get involved in the political battle, they will warp and…


Added by Mark Small on August 27, 2024 at 5:33am — No Comments

Beckwith's unfit for office, Reason #2: Beckwith's chats w/supreme deity

Micah Beckwith [FN1] claims to talk w/”The Lord” about politics. The most high-profile chat was (supposedly) the day after the January 6, 2021, insurrection. [FN2] Hoosiers’ skepticism of any candidate for political office is healthy & was the Framers’ view. [FN3]. 1/10

Hoosiers also should be skeptical of candidates who claim to talk politics w/”God.” Reasons Beckwith’s claims are unbelievable & troublesome.

A) “January 7 chat.” Beckwith reported this communication, then…


Added by Mark Small on August 26, 2024 at 5:49pm — No Comments

A list to which I shall add each day...

Reasons Micah Beckwith, 2024 GOP nominee for IN Lt Gov
is unfit for any office

1) Beckwith is a bigot who believes that only Christians have the
capacity to be moral.
-10/24/19 selfie video titled “The Church’s role in politics,”
Beckwith says “the church” provides the morality America
was founded on and that you cannot be moral if you are
a “Hindu, an atheist or a Jew.”

Added by Mark Small on August 26, 2024 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Why not

Hoosiers have to know the candidates on the ballot in November’s general election. The GOP [FN1] ticket for Gov/Lt Gov is Braun/Beckwith. Because people think IN Lt Gov can’t do very much, a nominee for #2, such as Micah Beckwith, garners little attention. 1/13

Hoosiers should pay attention. Lt Gov: a) is “President of the Senate” w/“a right” in committee of the whole to debate & vote & when the “Senate shall be equally divided, [s/he] shall give the casting vote.” [FN2] b)…


Added by Mark Small on August 25, 2024 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Contrary to magaGOP IN Lt Gov's claims, this is not a Christian nation

To ratify the Constitution that delegates to the Philadelphia Convention had written in 1787, the thirteen States [FN1] each had to elect delegates who, in turn, would convene to consider & vote whether to ratify. [FN2] In the first North Carolina’s two conventions, the vote was “no.” 1/13

Delegate Henry Abbott [FN3] opposed ratification because “exclusion of religious tests [in Art. VI] is by many thought dangerous and impolitic ... pagans, deists, and Mahometans might obtain…


Added by Mark Small on August 23, 2024 at 3:40pm — No Comments

Would a Lt Gov Beckwith hire people not capable of morality, or can they convert to get a job w/the State?

If you are not Christian, you lack the capacity to be moral. At least that’s what Micah Beckwith, GOP nominee [FN1] for IN Lt Gov said in a selfie video s/he posted to Facebook in 2019 w/the title “The Church’s role in politics.” [FN2] 1/8

IN Lt Gov assumes the office of Governor in case the Governor dies or is incapacitated. [FN3] A few questions arise from Beckwith’s having pre-judged people on the basis of their beliefs. Beckwith avoids confrontation & tries to fly under radar.…


Added by Mark Small on August 22, 2024 at 1:54pm — No Comments

"Christian nationalists" do not believe in equal protection of the laws, esp for other Christians

We take for granted that people should receive equal protection of the law. For example, there is supposed to be no preference, favoritism or discrimination regardless of a person’s religion or that person’s beliefs about religion. Some people believe that should not be the case. 1/9

Shortly after I started undergrad, a person invited me to attend church. During his sermon, the minister made fun of people who believed baptism “by sprinkling” was adequate for heaven. The Framers of the…


Added by Mark Small on August 21, 2024 at 4:54pm — No Comments

magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov fuels his campaign w/ignorance

The 6/20/23, 2-minute “smalltalk,” [FN1] shot on my cell phone, is on the “Mouthwash” FB page. [FN2] The show comes on as I’m about to crash, so I’d not seen remarks made by that night’s guest, Micah Beckwith, about my bit [FN3] until 8/18/24. If he is Lt Gov & if, 1/12

a year from now, people are allowed to ask, “How did Beckwith come to power?” those who remain can point to the dynamic at the core of his candidacy: Ignorance. It harkens back to the Know Nothings of the 1850s.…


Added by Mark Small on August 20, 2024 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Beckwith's soul is damned thus he cannot hold office in the theocracy he imagines

Hoosiers should not vote for the magaGOP [FN1] ticket of Braun/Beckwith for Gov/Lt Gov, in November’s election, for reasons that have been detailed in this blog. We must revisit a reason that assumes as true, only for this discussion, Beckwith’s claims that The “Lord” has: 1/9

1) talked w/Beckwith; 2) “set up,” i.e., created, our nation’s gov’t; & 3) thus created a theocracy. trump may be unable to serve as President after multiple convictions on criminal charges. That Beckwith…


Added by Mark Small on August 18, 2024 at 7:40am — No Comments

People need to understand the nominee for a job "a heartbeat away" from real power

The words “hostile takeover” [FN1] were spoken at last week’s debate between nominees for IN Lt Gov. That Micah Beckwith spoke them is ironic: he is on the ticket of what was the “party of Lincoln,” but now is a cult of personality Lincoln would not recognize. [FN2] 1/10

We should fear Beckwith. Dr. Matthias Beier [FN3] delineates why “Beckwith is a poster child of a multifaceted national movement that does politics by literally demonizing their opponents.” [FN4] He describes key…


Added by Mark Small on August 17, 2024 at 5:18pm — No Comments

Guns should not get credit for liberty

Gun rules I learned [FN1]: assume a gun is loaded & chambered; carry a gun pointed at the ground or the sky; shoot a gun to hit a target & shoot to kill if a target is a living thing. My home differs from that of my parents: I have no guns. In my parents home were > 10. 1/10

Even before magaGOP [FN2] was knocked off-balance by the Democratic Party’s change of its line-up, the far right wanted everyone to know they got guns. The people they oppose include those of us who…


Added by Mark Small on August 16, 2024 at 7:49pm — No Comments

Questions for "God" about Beckwith policies

When a candidate for elective office cites a specific authority for how s/he will address an issue, voters have a right to know specifics. During Tuesday’s debate between party nominees for IN Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith mentioned climate. 1/12

Beckwith said, “I’m not a climate cultist. I believe that God is the one who has given us the climate.” [FN1] The following points have been raised over my criticisms of, & comments about, Beckwith’s talks w/”God.” I also provide my replies.…


Added by Mark Small on August 15, 2024 at 10:22am — No Comments

Lt Gov debate: What is the plan "God" has for climate?

During yesterday’s IN Lt Gov nominees’ debate, Micah Beckwith [FN1] said, “I’m not a climate cultist. I believe that God is the one who has given us the climate.” [FN2] A reasonable followup, that no one asked, is what plan for climate has “God” told Beckwith about? 1/10

Indiana’s filthy waterways were mentioned. [FN3] Libertarian Tonya Hudson’s “free market” is a solution as ephemeral as Beckwith’s deity. Democratic nominee Terry Goodin sees 20 years of GOP rule as a problem. [FN4]…


Added by Mark Small on August 14, 2024 at 6:12pm — No Comments

Last minute questions for today's debate

Today at 3, nominees for IN Lt Gov will debate. IN recognizes “two major parties.” [FN1] T erry Goodin (D) is Indiana’s director of USDA Rural Development. [FN2] The Libertarian Party’s nominee, Tonya Hudson, a Real Estate Broker also will attend. [FN3] IN statutes define 1/13

the “2 major” parties, as the 2 parties whose candidates for Sec’y of State drew the most votes in the most election. Huh. That means R and D. There is a problem, however, w/magaGOP. It no longer is a party. Its…


Added by Mark Small on August 13, 2024 at 2:24pm — No Comments

Tomorrow's debate

Tomorrow’s debate between nominees for IN LT Gov is sponsored by Agriinstitute, will be held during the State Fair, and in the Purdue Extension Building on the Fairgrounds. [FN1] Only a resurrected Arnold Ziffel [FN2] to pitch the event could make this more ag oriented. 1/7

Terry Goodin (D), is Indiana’s director of USDA Rural Development. [FN3] Tonya Hudson (L) is a Real Estate Broker & deals w/issues of rural, agricultural land, living in Mitchell. [FN4] IN Lt Gov heads the…


Added by Mark Small on August 12, 2024 at 8:38pm — No Comments

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