Civil Discourse Now

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Reason #4: eradicates women's rights

Reasons are not ranked, but are numbered so that people can more readily identify, to loved ones, complete strangers or whomever, reasons Micah Beckwith, nominee of the IN magaGOP [FN1] for LT GOV is not fit to hold office. Votes should be cast w/society’s best interest in mind. 1/8

The ruling elites of the USA have been very good w/labels, but mistakenly believed they could label a patriarchal system as supportive of women’s equality and independence. Quislings [FN2] pop up, as Amy Barrett on SCOTUS illustrates. Micah Beckwith fits in the IN magaGOP. 2/8

Nothing says “All have equal opportunity” like an all-white male lineup for State-wide offices. [FN3] In case anyone wonders, Beckwith has values that harken back to earlier times, and not in a good way. Women had plenty of upward mobility. They simply had to marry well. 3/8

Any complaints of sexual misconduct? A post from 2022 on @INDprogressives noted: “‘You’re not going to Brett Kavanaugh this one.’wrote Micah Beckwith to a woman raped by someone in his ministry.” The whole thing about “self interest” is flipped. 4/8

We have a right to vote for our self interest. Women’s rights & health care affect everyone. Roe was overturned by the far right justices trump put in place. Our rights have to be protected down the ballot. Beckwith refused to “Brett Kavanaugh” someone. Deny Beckwith office. 5/8

Remember: #BrainsNotBraun 6/8

FN1. People who cheer on the magaGOP also think the Jan 6 attempted coup that included a man walking through the Capitol w/the battle flag over a shoulder was patriotic. It was not. This is not “the party of Lincoln.” 7/8

FN2. “quisling“ is “a traitor who collaborates with the invaders of his country esp by serving as a puppet government.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (1974 ed), p. 570.
FN3. Gov/Lt Gov Mike Braun, Micah Beckwith; U.S. Senate Jim Banks; Attorney General Todd Rokita. 8/8

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