Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

My post of late yesterday afternoon had a paternalistic sound as I criticized a Christofascist who is the magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov. When I wrote “Women’s rights & health care affect everyone,” I did not mean to imply that, because all are affected, everyone gets a voice. 1/3

That decision is the woman’s right to make. Period. Roe was overturned by the far right justices trump put in place + Thomas, Alito and Roberts. We need to vote “blue” down the ballot. Micah Beckwith refused to “Brett Kavanaugh”someone accused of rape. 2/3

We have to deny Beckwith office. Women are dying because they are denied treatment that includes abortion. #BrainsNotBraun 3/3

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