When a candidate for elective office cites a specific authority for how s/he will address an issue, voters have a right to know specifics. During Tuesday’s debate between party nominees for IN Lt Gov, Micah Beckwith mentioned climate. 1/12
Beckwith said, “I’m not a climate cultist. I believe that God is the one who has given us the climate.” [FN1] The following points have been raised over my criticisms of, & comments about, Beckwith’s talks w/”God.” I also provide my replies. 2/12
1) Beckwith has freedom of religion.
Beckwith’s rights to believe and worship, or not worship, are protected by the U.S. Constitution [FN2] and the Indiana Constitution, [FN3] as are my rights to speak and write. [FN4] 3/12
2) Beckwith’s relationship, and communication, with his “God” are personal (i.e., I should not demean how a person talks w/”God”).
a) No exception exists for my speaking about Beckwith’s personal “God” “talks,” or that we cannot make fun of these; but, 4/12
b) Beckwith as a candidate for elected public office who quotes, or implies he will address issues via, “God” means that’s more than “personal.”
Beckwith can’t hide behind the curtain. At the same time, my speech & writing are political speech and enjoy the greatest protections. [FN5] 5/12
3) Beckwith’s religious beliefs, no matter how absurd, are matters into which gov’t cannot inquire. [FN6]
This is different from someone who says s/he relies upon her/his beliefs for guidance. 6/12
4) Beckwith says this country was founded as a Christian country [FN7].
The Framers did not create a theocracy, nor should we allow one to be created now. 7/12
If Beckwith had said he believes we should address climate change by shifting to a specific type of solar, and cited a person in science who advocates for that, a reasonable and prudent person would want to know specifics. Here are my questions for “God”. 8/12
A) “God,” is Beckwith correct when he says only Christians are capable of being moral?
B) “God,” do you have a log of the chats you have had w/Beckwith?
C) “God,” how will you “un-pollute” Indiana’s streams? 9/12
“God” can get back w/me on those points. Otherwise, Beckwith has made up stuff & is counting on the First Amendment to shield him from questions. Beckwith seeks to impose a theocracy. “Let the people know the facts and the country will remain free.” Lincoln 10/12
FN1. Adam Wren, “Weathervanes,” Importantville, 08/14/24.
FN2. U.S. Const. Amend. I, XIV.
FN3. Ind. Const. Art. I, §§ 1-5. 11/12
FN4. U.S. Const. I, Amend. I, XIV; Ind. Const. Art. I, §9.
FN5. Brandenburg v Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969).
FN6. United States v. Ballard, 322 U.S. 78 (1944).
FN7. He only has crap (e.g., chats w/”God”) w/which to support this assertion, and is too chicken to debate on this. 12/12
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