Civil Discourse Now

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Last minute questions for today's debate

Today at 3, nominees for IN Lt Gov will debate. IN recognizes “two major parties.” [FN1] T erry Goodin (D) is Indiana’s director of USDA Rural Development. [FN2] The Libertarian Party’s nominee, Tonya Hudson, a Real Estate Broker also will attend. [FN3] IN statutes define 1/13

the “2 major” parties, as the 2 parties whose candidates for Sec’y of State drew the most votes in the most election. Huh. That means R and D. There is a problem, however, w/magaGOP. It no longer is a party. Its 2020 “platform” was a pledge of fealty to trump. A personality cult: 2/13

“excessive public admiration for or devotion to a famous person, especially a political leader.” [FN4] trump, the “personality” of the cult, is disintegrating. Here the magaGOP nominee for IN Lt Gov has held one public office, & s/he [FN5] is so proud of her/his job there that s/he 3/13

lists it nowhere. The office: board of trustees of HEPL. [FN6] This writer is unable to see if the nominee updated her/his campaign website, because this writer is one of many blocked by that nominee. S/he drew scorn & ridicule for a policy on book removal/censorship. 4/13

Unfortunately, the scorn, as well as juicy portions of ridicule, slopped over & onto the “HE” of HEPL. S/he quit. The focus of today’s debate is on Ag. Mr Goodin will describe programs he has worked on & what he will do if elected as YOUR Lt Gov. 5/13

Ms Hudson probably will describe the dangers of too much gov’t in agriculture. That’s nice. But what about the nominee of magaGOP? S/he has gotten all the press & might do what amounts to a policy debate“Hail Mary,” a/k/a “counter plan.” S/he then can ignore the topic & talk about 6/13

her/his little “chats” w/“the Lord.” S/he blasphemed a couple of months ago & said to an audience in Napanee that January 6 wasn’t really “riots,” as “the Lord had told her/him. Reality can be tough. S/he might resort to the tactics of a bully, by talking over the other 2. 7/13

The job of the moderator is to shut that down. So, here are a few questions. Does a non-Christian have the capacity to be moral? [FN7] Your buddy Sean Feucht says Christian nationalists believe this country exists to benefit Christians. Would you allow someone who is Muslim 8/13

to receive benefits from programs you administer? Would adherents of all faiths be treated equally by you as Lt Gov? What about people who do not believe in any religion? How can you say you follow the text of constitutions & laws, but claim authority beyond the writings? 9/13

These questions might be tough for her/him. Here’s a final question. You say you were raised on a dairy farm. That’s precious. From which side do you milk a steer?
Enjoy the debate. We’ll be fact-checking here. 10/13

FN1. I.C. §3-5-2-1, et seq.
FN2. Leslie Bonilla Muñiz, “Lieutenant governor candidates to meet at agriculture-themed debate,” Indiana Capital Chronicle, 07/29/24.
FN3. Ms Hudson’s campaign website. 11/13

FN4. Oxford Languages, “personality cult,” accessed 08/13/24.
FN5. That nominee likes to project a “rock ‘n roll” image, and that medium is androgynous, so we need to use pronouns that go both ways. 12/13

FN6. Hamilton East Public Library.
FN7. Selfie video, 10/23/19. Answer: no. 13/13

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