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Beckwith's unfit for office, Reason #2: Beckwith's chats w/supreme deity

Micah Beckwith [FN1] claims to talk w/”The Lord” about politics. The most high-profile chat was (supposedly) the day after the January 6, 2021, insurrection. [FN2] Hoosiers’ skepticism of any candidate for political office is healthy & was the Framers’ view. [FN3]. 1/10

Hoosiers also should be skeptical of candidates who claim to talk politics w/”God.” Reasons Beckwith’s claims are unbelievable & troublesome.
A) “January 7 chat.” Beckwith reported this communication, then it lay dormant. Remember... 2/10

1st reactions, even of the GOP, were negative. Sen McConnell almost had a chin to jut out: “If this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.” [FN4] Sen Graham’s speech on 1/6/21 was the most vile. [FN5] Graham described consequences of ignoring results of legal elections & 3/10

cited, as example, 1876 election: South Carolina, Louisiana & Florida sent two slates of electors to D.C. “To hold the country hostage to end Reconstruction.[ ] The way it ended, [Rutherford B] Hayes did a deal: ‘You give me the electors, I’ll kick the Union Army out.’ 4/10

It led to Jim Crow. If you’re looking for historical guidance, this is not the one to pick.” Graham cited trump’s invalid claims of “fraud.” [FN6] Graham’s recitation of history was accurate. [FN7] On 1/6/21 the GOP was confused & so Beckwith’s confusion makes sense. But Beckwith 5/10

wants power & seems to have paused to think before her/his next move. A supreme deity is “omniscient,” [FN8] has no reason for a delay & knows the future. Beckwith’s unbelievable & his stories are troublesome. We’ll return to this second reason tomorrow. 6/10

FN1. Beckwith, #2 on IN’s magaGOP ticket Gov/Lt Gov: Braun/Beckwith.
FN2. “Micah…I sent those riots to Washington. He said, ‘what you saw yesterday was my hand at work.’” Wren, Adam, “Confessions of an (alleged) book banner,” Importantville, 09/24/2023.

FN3. “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” The Federalist No. 51, James Madison. 8/10

FN4. Cillizza, Chris, “An incredibly damning quote from Mitch McConnell on January 6,” CNN, 4/21/22, accessed 08/26/24.
FN5. The American College Dictionary, 1962, p. 1357. 9/10

FN6. ABC News, “Lindsey Graham delivers remarks on Capitol breach,” YouTube, accessed 08/26/24.
FN7. Morris, Roy J., “Fraud of the Century,” (2003 ed.), pp. 234-38 .
FN8. “knowing all things, or having infinite knowledge.” Amer College Dictionary, p. 846. 10/10

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