Civil Discourse Now

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"Christian nationalists" do not believe in equal protection of the laws, esp for other Christians

We take for granted that people should receive equal protection of the law. For example, there is supposed to be no preference, favoritism or discrimination regardless of a person’s religion or that person’s beliefs about religion. Some people believe that should not be the case. 1/9

Shortly after I started undergrad, a person invited me to attend church. During his sermon, the minister made fun of people who believed baptism “by sprinkling” was adequate for heaven. The Framers of the Constitution were aware of the Reformation. Christians killed each other. 2/9

Questions to ask those who identify as “Christian nationalists”: Do you believe all people should be treated equally under the law, regardless of their religion or beliefs about religion? Do you believe this country was created as a Christian country for the benefit of Christians? 3/9

Some candidates for public office, here in Indiana, avow they are “Christian nationalists.” Last year, in a 3/18/2023 post: Micah Beckwith, the magaGOP nominee for IN Lt GOV played up Sean Feucht, whose “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour was set for the Statehouse. 4/9

In an April, 2023, speech in Oklahoma, Feucht “made a direct call for Christian nationalism declaring that America should be governed according to biblical law for the benefit of believers, as a way to prepare for the second coming of Christ.” [FN1] 5/9

Beckwith, in his 3/18/23 FB post said of Feucht: “Him and I are very similar and saw the assault happening in this nation on our freedoms, and specifically our religious freedoms. We both entered the world of politics because we knew the watchmen of our nation’s freedoms ... 6/9

have dropped the ball and that God is calling a generation of bold leaders to take back the ground that the devil has stolen.” We have to hold Beckwith to his words spoken last year. It’s too easy for some, who seek political power to rationalize “lying for the lord.” 7/9

“Christian nationalism” does not treat everyone equally under the law. And please note, they will define what a “true” Christian is. Is “sprinkling” sufficient? As Jonathon Swift’s characters asked, “Crack your egg on the side or on the top?” 8/9

FN1. Rolling Stone, 4/21/23. 9/9

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