Civil Discourse Now

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Portraits & trump's blatant racism

Followers of trump follow a racist. Today, 09/07/22, portraits of President and Mrs Obama were unveiled in The White House. Such unveilings have been a tradition since 1978, but the tradition was skipped 2017-21. Tee times & meetings with dictator/pals weren’t so time-intensive. 1/4

A real “tell”: Moscow’s favorite “plant” hung a portrait of POTUS #7, Andrew Jackson, in The Oval Office. Jackson was a slaveholder and was a leading force in the genocide of the indigenous peoples.…


Added by Mark Small on September 7, 2022 at 8:32pm — No Comments

We should void the actions of trump's illegal presidency

trump’s time in the Oval Office was illegitimate. Claims that Russia planted trump’s fat ass behind the Resolute desk do not fall in the category of “hoax.” trump openly courted Russia’s help during a debate with Secretary Clinton. Speaker Paul Ryan admitted Russia’s actions. 1/4

U.S. military spends a ton of money on computers and on recruiting based on teaching recruits computer skills. The rest of the World (and Russia) have laughed at us because Putin’s theft of the Oval Office…


Added by Mark Small on September 6, 2022 at 9:21pm — No Comments

Gutless, masked, heavily armed idiots marched by the dozen in Indy...

A few dozen masked, heavily armed thugs marched downtown in Indy a couple of days ago, in a show of what they apparently saw as “guts.” They hid their faces behind masks. If they want to spew their hate-filled rhetoric, they should remove their masks. Until then they can stuff it. 1/5

Next, Isaac Asimov wrote violence is “the last resort of the incompetent.” If you need a gun to make your point, you don’t have a point. Guns didn’t win this country liberty. British debt & her…


Added by Mark Small on September 5, 2022 at 6:49pm — No Comments

Justice Center: the "green" party really in control

The “Justice Center” that houses the court systems of Marion County/Indianapolis is a marvel of absolutely bad planning. First it guts part of downtown Indy by moving, a couple of miles south east, our courts. A lot of jobs went with the building. There is a vacuum on Market Street. 1/4

Second, the building is sterile. Apparently designed by the same architects as designed the Indy airport, one has the impression that flight information will be on the videos. Third, there is no common…


Added by Mark Small on September 3, 2022 at 9:49pm — No Comments

Or you can keep voting for idiots like Rokita

Indiana Atty General Todd Rokita is claiming victory in a case he did not “win.” An email from Rokita’s office claims he won “dismissal of a lawsuit challenging” Indiana’s law requiring drs, hospitals & abortion clinics to report 25 complications to the Dept of Health. 1/5

The order is a stipulation of dismissal “without prejudice”: i.e. it can be re-filed. At best for Rokita 1:18-cv-01219 is a “tie” at the end of the half w/control & degradation of women, not improved health…


Added by Mark Small on August 30, 2022 at 6:01pm — 1 Comment

Another week goes by without this iteration of the GOP offering solutions to gun violence

Hey! It’s another sunny Saturday afternoon and, since I’ve not heard that hell has frozen over or that pigs have acquired the ability to fly, this iteration of the GOP has not announced any plan to eliminate, or even simply reduce, mass shootings. We should be real on this issue. 1/5

The people yelling loudest about rights to guns in many instances are trying to deprive women of reproductive rights, deprive many of us our right to be free from one specific religion, and the whole…


Added by Mark Small on August 27, 2022 at 2:31pm — No Comments

Flag burning is protected speech

On 8/23/22, John Schmitz aired “smalltalk,” my segment of about 3 minutes on his podcast “Mouthwash.” I try to relate my talk to John’s topic. On 8/23 the guest, artist Theodore Winters, had painted an Indiana diner in an American flag motif after an officer was killed. 1/5

You can look up the work on-line. Since the mural involves free expression & the flag, I spoke of burning the flag as protest. Mr Winters was chagrined because, he said, the flag represents all of us &…


Added by Mark Small on August 24, 2022 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Deaths from guns or botched abortions, this GOP isn't pro-"life"

This iteration of the Republican Party hawks policy positions so its MAGA followers believe up is down and “right” isn’t what you think it is. The GOP lauds itself as “pro-life,” but embraces policies that kill a hell of a lot of people. Mass shootings at schools don’t concern the GOP. 1/5

No comprehensive plan to stop shootings is offered, but GOP Congress people wet themselves at the thought of NRA-incited throngs so the result: more kids die. This iteration of the GOP nearly…


Added by Mark Small on August 20, 2022 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Overturning Roe & impact on Indiana pro sports franchises

With the start of the NFL® pre-season, now is a good time to discuss why public monies should not be paid to professional sports franchise owners. Since Mayflower® brought the Colts to Indy in the dead of night in 1983, Indiana & Indy have made Colts owners rich. We gave them: 1/6

a new stadium, tax breaks and so many goodies that for a while the Colts were the NFL®’s most profitable franchise. Indy extended largesse to the Indiana Pacers. Studies show gov’t investment in pro…


Added by Mark Small on August 14, 2022 at 7:13pm — 1 Comment

This iteration of the GOP & comprehensive gun control...

Just in case one wondered, this iteration of the GOP has not announced any comprehensive plan to address mass shootings. An October, 2015, article in Rolling Stone noted “Republican presidents from Richard Nixon – who wanted a federal ban on handguns... 1/4

“to Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush all voiced support for gun control. George H.W. Bush was so furious at the NRA’s extremism that he renounced his lifetime membership during his term in the White House.” Guns kill people. Gun…


Added by Mark Small on August 13, 2022 at 2:53pm — No Comments

God wouldn't have fibbed to Micah Beckwith. Seriously.

“Alleged event that happened”: how a guest on “Mouthwash,” John Schmitz’s podcast, referred to Jan 6, 2021. That guest holds to a crazy notion that the MAGA hordes did not march to The Capitol to “stop the steal.” He’s wrong. I know it. God said it to Micah Beckwith. 1/5

Beckwith, a Noblesville preacher, ran for U.S. House in 2020. God, Beckwith claims, talks with Beckwith a lot. Beckwith knows quotes from authoritative sources must be accurate. Beckwith, on Jan 7, 2021, reported in a…


Added by Mark Small on August 10, 2022 at 8:20pm — No Comments

Make sure you're registered to vote & then vote. Or else? Don't bitch.

People died to secure the right to vote. If you (1) are eligible to vote (2) and fail to register or (3) register but fail to vote, you’ve repulsively raised your middle finger, as you sit on your butt, and demeaned their efforts. At this moment I don’t care for whom you vote. 1/4

If you lean Democratic Party: register & vote (R & V). Fair notice: I’m GOP precinct committee chair (PC), Marion County, Indiana, Washington Township, precinct 21-01. If you lean GOP: R & V. If…


Added by Mark Small on August 3, 2022 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Not about politics, but frozen custard...

After court in Laughalot this afternoon, a pit stop at The Frozen Custard clearly was mandated. Frozen custard is like ice cream, but with greater fat content plus magic dairy powder the formula for which has been a secret for generations, its disclosure punishable by death. 1/3

I pulled in the out lane. The driver of a rusted mini-van didn’t cut me slack & sneered at me over a rapidly disappearing cone. I backed up. She had right of way. I realized that in years (80-82 &…


Added by Mark Small on August 2, 2022 at 8:44pm — No Comments

Shoot-outs on movies advance gun culture

“The Grey Man,” a Netflix movie about a rogue CIA killer (Ryan Gosling). Screen time spent in shoot-outs was significant. With scores of actors “dead” and big chunks of Prague and Vienna depicted as lying in ruins, guns are used to shoot the main guy at the end. Why? 1/4

Movies are produced to meet demand, but then perpetuate the demand. Acting, scenery, special effects of “The Grey Man” were good. The vicious cycle to meet demand created by prior flicks is mundane and harmful.…


Added by Mark Small on July 27, 2022 at 8:52pm — No Comments

MAGA rioters on Jan 6 had their chance to bear arms to fight "tyranny"

Gun culture advocates say the Second Amendment was written to protect an individual’s to own a gun as a way to stop tyranny. These same people usually say The Constitution must be strictly construed, with nothing read into it. For a moment, consider how tyranny would be fought. 1/4

Actually, we saw how the 2A would play out, on January 6, 2021. The mob that day even had a leader. So weigh, in one hand, is preservation of gun “rights” to arm people like the January 6 mob that stormed…


Added by Mark Small on July 21, 2022 at 9:24pm — 1 Comment

"Good guy" shot the "bad guy," but the system DIDN'T WORK. Several died & the good guy faces PTSD

UPDATE: Final score in the Greenwood Mall shooting was Gunman 3 + several wounded + the scars to anyone who experienced this crap. If you want to point out that “a good guy with a gun stopped the bad guy,” that only happened AFTER the people were killed or wounded. 1/4

Let’s not forget about the good guy with a gun. He will have to deal with PTSD from shooting the “bad guy.” The PTSD is real. Studies of combat veterans after WWII showed most people do not like to kill other people,…


Added by Mark Small on July 18, 2022 at 6:26pm — 1 Comment

Factors other than guns played greater roles in independence from Britain

When people die from gun violence, opponents of gun culture are supposed to feel guilty for not giving thanks to guns for U.S. independence from the British. We owe no such thanks for several reasons. First, there is no quality of guns, unique to the colonists, that brought victory. 1/4

In fact the British had more guns. Second, a lot of guns, cannon & ships used against the British were French and in French hands. Third, distance played a greater part than guns in the outcome.…


Added by Mark Small on July 18, 2022 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Today Greenwood Mall had shooting deaths. Australia didn't. Let's pry fingers off of guns.

Guns strike again, this time in Greenwood. Guns are not devices for liberty, but establish a tyranny of fear. Gun nuts demean measures to control gun violence. After all, with so many guns out there, what’s the point of simple gun “control.” They get their jollies, too. 1/5

Don’s Guns owner would chuckle in his commercials, “I just love to sell guns.” DOJ ranked his store as #4 in the U.S. for selling guns to criminals. Ads for a gun show made fun of the Brady bill, named after an…


Added by Mark Small on July 17, 2022 at 8:35pm — 1 Comment

Letter to Rep Ed Delaney

From: Mark Small

Date: July 16, 2022

Dear Representative DeLaney,

Thank you for the mailing in which you invited constituents in IN86 to share our thoughts on issues upon which we have big decisions to make. I shall address each as follows:

-How extreme will the restrictions on abortion be?

It seems that few people understand either that the opinion issued by the United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade was written by a Republican nominee to the Court,…


Added by Mark Small on July 16, 2022 at 9:08pm — No Comments

3 idiots walk into a bar...

No one in the bar had seen the 3 before they parked their cycles (2 Harleys & an Indian nice & shiny like off a showroom floor) at the curb. None of the 3 wore “colors” or other finery of a motorcycle club. They went to back to play pool. 2 of the 3 had handguns on their belts. 1/6

It’s reasonable to presume that a minimum of 25% of the habitues of any bar in IN are packing. People just don’t make a show of it. These guys walked out of the bar and dawdled. The shortest of the…


Added by Mark Small on July 16, 2022 at 1:22pm — No Comments

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