Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Gov Holcomb, Taylor Swift & low-hanging fruit Rob Kendall

Absurd juxtaposition isn’t the name of a musical (pick your genre) group, but how 2 statements in Indiana’s political environment relate. First: via email, Gov Holcomb said Indiana’s support for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is being expanded “to give more Hoosier children 1/8

access 2 free, high-quality, age-appropriate books every month, regardless of income.” Only in IN in 2023, where censoring [FN1] books almost is a right-wing sport [FN2], is expanding kids’ access to books seem rebellious. Second: WIBC’s Rob Kendall added his voice to right-wing 2/8

diminution of Taylor Swift. Somehow the radio went to WIBC when I hit the dashboard to get the 8-track to switch channels. [FN3] Kendall said Ms Swift has had a lot of boyfriends for a 33 yo woman & who seems burned out, doing songs in which she reflects on her life. [FN4] 3/8

Gov Holcomb is GOP, by no means progressive and has signed into law anti-LGBTQ+ bills as well as Indiana’s near-total ban on abortions. However, he mandated State-wide face masks to fight the spread of COVID. Face masks help prevent the spread of COVID. [FN5.] 4/8

It’s a sorry State (literally) where we have to applaud a governor for doing the obvious to save lives in a pandemic, because a different GOP governor would have killed us. Yet a WIBC radio dude picks on a musician [FN6], maybe because she encouraged people to register to vote 5/8

and she’s not right-wing. [FN6] We should be happy the governor didn’t kill people via COVID like GOP governors in other States? Indiana: South Bend is in the north, North Vernon is in the south, and French Lick ain’t what you think it is. 6/8

Footnotes: FN1. E.g., Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL); books in young adult section were moved out of a public area for review. FN2. To “censor”:”To officially inspect (esp. a book or film) and delete material considered offensive.” Black’s Law D, 10th ed., 2014, p. 269. 7/8

Footnotes: FN3. I do not have an 8-track in my car. FN4. I’ve not listened to her songs. FN5. Al Jazeera, “Did a report really say ...” 9/7/23. The report (as in single a/k/a one) did not dispute masks’ help in preventing the spread of COVID. FN6. Ms Swift’s not on 8-track. 8/8

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