Civil Discourse Now

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Thoughts & prayers & other bullshit...

A mass shooting occurred this week. People can shake their heads, say “thoughts & prayers” or other bullshit, and go back to bragging about the imitation phalluses they brandish. After all, they remind us: “Guns made this country free!” That, too, is bullshit. 1/6

Factors in the victory over the British: colonies’ alliance w/France, debt the British had incurred in the years prior to and during the revolution, distance between England and the colonies, and the colonists’ familiarity with the territory. [FN1] Both sides had guns. No quality unique

to muskets in the hands of colonists made colonists invincible. When people claim firearms keep us “free,” they must ignore shooter drills in schools & fears of going to public places. An overwhelming majority of people in the U.S. want effective gun control. 3/6

Their many voices are drowned out by a relative few who count on fear, ignorance & well-paid lobbyists. You or a loved one are far more likely to be harmed than crime will be prevented by a gun in your home. Guns do not expand liberty. The mass shooting in Maine?

One more notch for those who advocate a culture of guns. We need to ban long guns & pistols that hold more than five rounds. Until deer pack AK-47s, we don’t need weapons designed to kill as many people as fast as possible in private hands. 5/6

Footnotes: FN1. “Factors Contributing to the American Victory.” 6/6

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