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trump only part of the threat to USA & World

History is our past, sets groundwork for our present and can indicate our future. trump poses a threat to a free society and to World peace. Greater threats to what we value include forces trump symbolizes - ignorance and hatred.

Racism was on display when white idiots sashayed into The Capitol on January 6. Their anger has its roots in slavery, an institution that was legal (1620-1865) longer than it has been banned in our history. Its effects are felt today.

If the U.S.…


Added by Mark Small on January 9, 2021 at 9:45am — 1 Comment

Take steps to dissolve corporation known as Indiana GOP

The Indiana Republican Party (“GOP”) is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana. That corporate status can be revoked. If the corporation abuses its status (I.C. 23-17-24-1, et seq) the Indiana Attorney General can initiate actions.

Under Indiana’s RICO law (IC 35-45-6-2 and 34-24-2-1), if a corporation acts as a racketeer influenced corrupt organization, the prosecuting attorney in the county where such acts occurs can initiate the…


Added by Mark Small on January 7, 2021 at 9:37am — No Comments

Malcolm X was right & this violence has historic roots

Wednesday afternoon, President-elect Joe Biden spoke to calm the nation. Two points: 1) this was a job the lame duck should have performed, so I hope Joe is on the clock; 2) he said the mob takeover of The Capitol was not America.

The reason I disagree with the President-elect on the second point is that if we ignore history, we shall repeat that history. Hatred and violence were part of the founding of the USA. 1789-1865: Slavery is not a benevolent system.

Running in parallel…


Added by Mark Small on January 6, 2021 at 8:04pm — No Comments

Coup attempt warrants trump removal

Today, in a speech to the equivalent of Hitler’s brown shorts, trump vowed he’d never concede and incited a mob. The mob then moved to and into The Capitol. trump later tweeted that protestors should be “peaceful.”

The President is supposed to enforce the law.

Mob invasion of The Capitol violates the law. trump should have told the protestors to withdraw - but that was not his goal. trump has now put us on a level of countries controlled by dictators.

If the Vice President…


Added by Mark Small on January 6, 2021 at 4:12pm — No Comments

Emetic effects of Hannity

FOX entertainment division - a/k/a “news” - has an emetic effect and rarely is on my TV. An exception is when I want to see hear what the enemy has to say. In a few moments, Sean Hannity warned the danger the USA faces if the two Georgia Senate seats go blue.

Hannity needs to go back to frame carpentry. The “danger” to this country comes from people he has backed. His pal in the Oval Office acted in callous disregard of people’s lives at the start of the pandemic.

If blood were…


Added by Mark Small on January 3, 2021 at 4:28pm — 1 Comment

Indiana COVID vaccine: outdated lists & vials sitting on shelves

“The Far Side” once had a female & male couple in a fall-out shelter, nuclear war having ravaged the Earth above them. They’re surrounded by canned goods stacked floor-to-ceiling. The caption is one saying to the other: “I told you to pack a can opener!”

Planning has been absent during the pandemic. Federal level: the soon-to-be-former occupant of the Oval Office has cheated at golf while over 300K have died. Indiana: planning has not been much better.

First responders are…


Added by Mark Small on January 2, 2021 at 10:15am — No Comments

Original intent: don't look to the State conventions

Justice Scalia made “original intent” (what the white male landowners who wrote or who wrote and ratified The Constitution meant) a popular way to construe provisions of The Constitution. Today I want to discuss the state conventions. (I’ll use abbreviations for each State.)

The main Convention was held in Philadelphia from May to September, 1787. Twelve of the 13 States sent delegates to The Convention. RI sent none. Some people believe we should look to the State conventions to…


Added by Mark Small on December 31, 2020 at 9:22am — 1 Comment

Time to reduce numbers of guns

Language itself is an issue when the topic is “guns,” and those who call themselves “gun rights advocates” go apoplectic and justify others calling them “gun nuts.” If people are scared to talk about gun violence, all of us lose.

At suggestions limits be placed on sale of “assault rifles,” I’ve heard people who love guns almost sneer and correct the speaker, and say there are no such weapons. (Hint: doesn’t matter the term you use, you’ll be called out if you favor limits.)



Added by Mark Small on December 26, 2020 at 1:45pm — 1 Comment

Money can be obtained for real $timulu$

COVID has devastated this country. Over 300K are dead and tens of millions of people thrown into economic chaos because there was no leadership from the Federal government. People need far more than $600 to exist.

There are several ways to obtain money for people in need. One: we need to slash a defense budget that has been absurdly high for decades. We will be more secure when we kill fewer people. We need factories, not aircraft carriers.

After all, access to our defense…


Added by Mark Small on December 23, 2020 at 10:36am — No Comments

Lou Dobbs might be an ass, but ...

Lou Dobbs is an ass. I can say that because he’s 1) a public figure 2) engaged in political speech and 3) such expression has the greatest protection in this country. Oh - and truth’s a defense against a claim of defamation.

The last few days Lou and his pals at Fox have backtracked claims they made about two corporations - I won’t name them - involved in voting machines and software. Rudy Guiliani described one of these companies as a “front” and hinted they rigged the 2020…


Added by Mark Small on December 21, 2020 at 9:03pm — No Comments

Ban TIFs: the "other" pandemic that rages

Local tax policies do not lend themselves to sexy treatment in the media. Constitutional crises, after all, only pop up every few generations. However, two pandemics rage across the USA. One is COVID-19. The other is TIFs. We need to keep our eyes on both.

TIFs are a favorite tool of ruthless advocates of socialism: “A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the…


Added by Mark Small on December 19, 2020 at 9:00am — No Comments

Rich people have soaked us long enough: bring back estate taxes

On January 20 the man who has brought this country to its financial knees will cede the control he has held for four years. On that day Vladimir Putin will see the stooge he placed in The Oval Office leave for parts unknown.

To recover financially, this country has to adopt traditional GOP positions. Since so many people - 300K at last count - are dying as a result of trump ineptitude, this seems as good of a time as any to resuscitate the estate tax.

Rich bastards conned…


Added by Mark Small on December 16, 2020 at 4:41pm — 1 Comment

Letter to the GOP's State Chair

December 15 e-mail from Indiana GOP state chair Kyle Hupfer: “Chuck Schumer is determined to win [Georgia’s Senate] seats and erase our GOP majority in the Senate, and we can’t let that happen. The Senate might be our last line of defense ...

...against the radical left and their progressive policies! Please join in helping us defend our Republican majority in the Senate by supporting Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia.” I could not let this “funder” go by without…


Added by Mark Small on December 16, 2020 at 8:11am — No Comments

Get past distractions: WTF?

As our focus is on the fight against evil (trump, et al), several questions to ponder lest we become too distracted. Why the rush to execute Federal prisoners before January 20? How TF do we still use the phrase “States rights” 155 years after the South lost?

How many immigrant children - in her clutches for whatever reasons - has Betsy DeVos’s NFPs “placed” since she’s been in office? And, seriously - anybody know - YET - why we still have troops in Afghanistan?

Added by Mark Small on December 13, 2020 at 9:15pm — No Comments

The 4:20 show: Hill, Niederberger & Texas's lawsuit

Indiana’s lame duck Attorney General/Elvis impersonator Curtis Hill has joined with 16 other States in a challenge brought by Texas before the U.S. Supreme Court to disqualify the electors of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin and replace them with pro-trump electors.

Texas’s AG filed a Motion for Leave to File Bill of Complaint. SCOTUS has set a deadline of noon today for the four named defendant States to reply. In the meantime, trump has sought to intervene and show…


Added by Mark Small on December 10, 2020 at 7:33am — No Comments

The 4:20 show: Hill, Niederberger & Texas's lawsuit

Indiana’s lame duck Attorney General/Elvis impersonator Curtis Hill has joined with 16 other States in a challenge brought by Texas before the U.S. Supreme Court to disqualify the electors of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin and replace them with pro-trump electors.

Texas’s AG filed a Motion for Leave to File Bill of Complaint. SCOTUS has set a deadline of noon today for the four named defendant States to reply. In the meantime, trump has sought to intervene and show…


Added by Mark Small on December 10, 2020 at 7:32am — No Comments

The Constitution: irony? hypocrisy?

Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed., 2001, p. 1009, defines “irony” :“the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” And “hypocrisy”: “a pretense of having a virtuous character , moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not really possess.” Id., p. 943.

The Convention acted outside its charter to “devise such further provisions that appear [ ] necessary to render the constitution of the Federal Government…


Added by Mark Small on December 6, 2020 at 7:37am — No Comments

Ban panhandling in one specific area of downtown Indy

To panhandle is “to beg (usually on the street).” Amer. College Dictionary, 1962 ed,, p. 875. Downtown Indianapolis has become rife with begging, but its pace accelerates, and its numbers of practitioners increases, each January. Perhaps it’s the cold.

The area of greatest concentration is between Capitol Avenue on the east, Washington Street on the south, Senate Avenue on the west and Ohio Street on the north. These beggars are aggressive and can be quite offensive. They threaten to…


Added by Mark Small on December 5, 2020 at 7:08am — No Comments

Want Gov't stand-still? GA GOP Senate candidates

People of Georgia need to understand: if you vote for Republican U.S. Senate incumbents David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, you vote to freeze the Federal government for the next two (2) years at least. There might be something to be said for that.

McConnell, the Kentucky Senator who appears joyful only over others’ despair, vowed, when President Obama took office, to make that Democratic President - who won the popular and electors’ votes by clear majorities - a one-term…


Added by Mark Small on November 24, 2020 at 7:29pm — 1 Comment

GA Spl Election: Perdue & Loeffler don't like MAGA

Sen David Perdue is in a quandary: “a state of embarrassing perplexity or uncertainty, esp as to what to do; a dilemma.” Amer College Dictionary, 1962 ed., p. 990. Running for his political life he seeks to distance himself from trump but wants MAGAt votes.

Perdue, who with Sen Kelly Loeffler, is in a run-off for Senate seats from GA, said, in a Nov 10 phone conference they needed votes from “people that may have voted for Biden but now may come back and vote for us because there was…


Added by Mark Small on November 17, 2020 at 7:41pm — No Comments

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