Civil Discourse Now

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Jan 6 & a short lesson in the math of would-be dictators

Government sufficient for us is not simple; sometimes neither is math. Some threaten the rest of us with the 2nd Amendment if they do not get their way. But the 1st (free expression, assembly) + the 14th (equal protection, due process) > the 2nd. 1/4

01/06/21 was preceded by weeks of planning. The day before right wing media talked up what was to be. On 01/06 the cowardly soon-to-be-ex-president goaded people to walk to the Capitol, where the formality of counting the votes of the electors was to occur. (Art. II, §1). 2/4

The GOP loses more voters each day, from attrition (dying), outcropping of sanity (increasingly one hopes), and following GOP advice (anti-vax = dying of COVID). Voter suppression + threats of violence are currently in play to create a dictatorship. 3/4

Only after yrs of study + training can a person acquire complex knowl + skills to be a surgeon. A dolt can pick up & fire a gun & cause mortal wounds beyond any surgeon’s ability to repair. We must protect this country thru the 1st + 14th to smother any forces of violence. 4/4

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