Civil Discourse Now

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Rape, abortion & the Indiana General Assembly

Elections affect rights. Indiana law protects Dad’s rights, even in rape. Woman who gives birth out of wedlock has sole custody. I.C. § 31-14-13-1. If contested, court determines custody based on child’s best interest w/no “presumption favoring either parent.” Factors considered? 1/6

Include “pattern of domestic/family violence by either parent.” I.C. § 31-14-13-2. (Strangers not pattern or dom/family violence. I.C. 35-31.5-2-78) Parent w/custody determines kid's upbringing, unless court determines child’s best interests require limits. I.C. § 31-14-13-4. 2/6

Court may NOT modify custody unless it is in kid’s best interests & there’s substantial change in custodial factors. I.C. § 31-14-13-6. Woman raped MUST advise Dad of her telephone #s and her home/email addresses. I.C. § 31-14-13-10.2. Dad has right to parenting time... 3/6

Unless his parenting time might imperil kid's phys health/well-being or emotional development. No mention of Mom’s well being or emotional injuries. Guidelines mean alternate weekends. And child support in Indiana continues until at least age 18. Among other problems... 4/6

Mom’s at a party busted for weed. Dad petitions to modify custody because he screens “clean” for drugs. Court can award custody to Dad who now makes all the life decisions about kid. Mom must (1) pick up the child from & (2) pay child support to Dad, all because.... 5/6

(3) Mom had the temerity to live, and get raped, in a State where abortion is not allowed in cases of rape and (4) she survived pregnancy. Don’t tell me this statutory framework is about the sanctity of “life.” It’s about control, and hatred, of women. 6/6

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Comment by pogden297 on January 7, 2022 at 1:01pm

I'm not sure what state it is where abortion is not allowed in cases of rape.    There is also the morning after pill that is legal in all 50 states and even most pro-life groups support giving out to raped women.

So, all the pro-life women out there (and there's more pro-life women than men) hold that position because they "hate" and want to "control" women?  I don't know why it's so hard for pro-choicers to believe pro-lifers might actually be sincere in their belief that a fetus is human life that deserves protection.  After all, the SCIENCE of pre-natal development is pretty indisputable that a fetus is more than just a glob of cells and that it's a distinct developing human being from early in the pregnancy.  Liberals believe in SCIENCE...until it's inconvenient.


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