Civil Discourse Now

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Nihilism of fundamentalist religion is a dynamic of the GOP

An elephant in the room receives little mention, but has perhaps the biggest impact of all. They are called fundamentalists, born-agains or evangelicals. They seem numerous amongst MAGA crowd. These people believe the destruction of the Earth is good. 1/4

Revelations, the last book of the new testament, is the main source for this nihilistic view. Chuck Manson, one-time student at Arsenal Tech, relied upon Revelations for a theory of Helter Skelter. He misconstrued The Beatles, too, but Revelations? 2/4

This iteration of the GOP only negates, not create, solutions to our problems. Nihilism is the real basis of the strain of religion that took the GOP. How else can one rationalize using private jets to further the teachings of someone quoted as saying, “Blessed are the poor.” 3/4

They do not care about the environment or pollution. The worse things get, the happier they are. They are not persuaded by reason or facts. After all, theirs is a belief (they feel) sponsored by a supreme deity. Anything else is inferior & unworthy. We have to beware. 4/4

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