Civil Discourse Now

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Could Ashli Babbitt be the next Horst Wessel?

Parallels between trump & a corporal who took power in 1933? 1) Both had best-sellers, but the corporal actually wrote his. 2) The corporal was actually rich, from his book, while trump’s debt is in hundreds of millions. 3) The corporal actually won his election as Chancellor. 1/4

4) The corporal fought in WWI, while trump dodged Vietnam. 5) The corporal went to prison, a fate trump has avoided (so far). Ach! What about followers? Horst Vessel, a 1930 martyr for the not-quite-1000-year reich, even wrote a song. MAGA has Ashli Babbitt. 2/4

Veteran of a road rage incident in which she bravely rear-ended the SUV of her future husband’s wife, Babbitt was shot by Capitol police on January 6. How could they have believed the howling, armed mob posed a mortal threat to people they were sworn to protect? 3/4

Perhaps in MAGA’s well of creative genius someone can create an “Ashli Babbitt Lied.” Hell, Kid Rock slaps mediocre lyrics onto Warren Zevon’s tunes. He can adjust Horst Wessel’s tune to accommodate Babbitt. Stephen Miller probably has copies of Horst Wessel’s work. 4/4

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