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Flip the bird at those in power: early voting info for Indiana's May 3 primary

Every election, even a primary, is important. This iteration of the GOP seems to want to limit the ability to vote. That makes Indiana’s primary election a chance to flip the bird at those who seek to bastardize the Hoosier election system. When & where to vote? 1/4

Website gives early voting info in Marion County: Indy, Speedway, Beech Grove & Lawrence). Website says ppl can vote at City-County Building, April 5 to May 2. Times vary. April 23-May 1…


Added by Mark Small on April 8, 2022 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Flashbacks on the hospital, sweat pants & a shower bench

I won’t own a pair of sweat pants. By the 2nd day in hospital in 1994 I was paralyzed, waist down. Sweat pants beat a gown but, along w/other things, remind me of 1994 & mis-diagnosis of MS. I undergo knee surgery soon. Another reminder is a shower bench, like I bought yesterday... 1/3

& consists of metal frame, suction cups on the feet & a seat of thick plastic. In ‘94 the bench was necessary because standing was a challenge. Once I didn’t need it, I donated it to…


Added by Mark Small on April 7, 2022 at 6:46pm — No Comments

Tennessee child brides & Matt Gaetz: this iteration of the GOP is sick

Indiana has no crime of “statutory rape.” Instead: A person who, w/a child under 14 yrs of age, knowingly/intentionally performs or submits to sex’l intercourse/other sex’l misconduct commits child molesting, a Level 3 felony. I.C.§ 35-42-4-3. Compared to TN, IN protects kids. 1/3

We can’t belabor this matter. Leaders of this iteration of the GOP project their own perversions to blame others (see: Pizzagate) yet rip away statutes that protect women, kids & everybody but white male…


Added by Mark Small on April 6, 2022 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Websites for voter info for Indiana voters

Media are silent about waves of violent crime at polling sites in the 2020 elections. A candidate for Michigan state Senate said ppl should “Show up armed” on election day to stop a recurrence of 2020. (Detroit Free Press, 1/31/22.) What happened in 2022? The GOP lost. 1/6

No credible evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 elections, in Indiana or anywhere, exists. If fraud occurred, people at polling sites w/guns wearing MAGA caps are meant only to intimidate voters likely to vote…


Added by Mark Small on April 2, 2022 at 9:22am — No Comments

Putin n'est pas bonne pour les enfants, les autres choses vivants or even MAGA ppl

Russia’s Putin is a dictator. Dictators kill people to grab & to maintain power. Putin now kills in Ukraine to advance Putin’s vision: the U.S.S.R. reborn. Putin hates the USA/has compared USA to der 3rd Reich. Putin issued bounties for U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan, 2019. 1/5

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” U.S. Const. Art. III, sec. 3. 7/18/18: Rep. McCaul…


Added by Mark Small on March 31, 2022 at 7:25pm — No Comments

No guns should be allowed at voting sites!

One should not try to “fix” something that is not broken. This is a less-colloquial form of “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” In some States (e.g., Michigan) ppl are advocating showing up at polling sites for elections w/firearms. There is no valid reason for guns at the polls. 1/4

1st Amendment rights R ltd in polling sites: no electioneering allowed. I.C. §3-14-3-16. Guns R not allowed under IN’s new laws on School Property (I.C. §35-47-9), in Airports & Aircraft (I.C.…


Added by Mark Small on March 29, 2022 at 8:40pm — No Comments

GOP corp entity can't be challenged by voters

Laws over Not-for-profit corporations (NFPs) that are pol parties shouldn’t let a party be above control of voters. Indiana GOP (INGOP) rules allow as few as two people to control the GOP & thus the State. INGOP is a dba of the State Committee. (Comm) which “shall have no... 1/4

members except the members of the Board of Directors.” (Art. 4) Board: of 3-23 members. (Art. 12.) The “Committee is the supreme party authority” (State Rule 1-1.) Quorum is a majority of Comm. (SR 1-3.)…


Added by Mark Small on March 25, 2022 at 7:02pm — No Comments

IN GOP: far right took control & wrote rules so a minority could control everyone

Indiana GOP’s corporate structure goal: maintain control despite minority of voters & minority w/in GOP. Betw 1964 & early ‘80s, “Southern strategy” aimed at former Confederate States that voted solid “D” since Civil War. GOP pushed Reconstruction. Racism was the key.1/5

As late as 2006, Indiana Sen Richard Lugar was a GOP leader & moderate/progressive on many issues. He favored a scientific approach to climate change, had an “F” rating from the NRA, was in favor of the… Continue

Added by Mark Small on March 25, 2022 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Compromise on slavery made The Constitution perhaps not such a good thing

1787: white, male landowners selected by other white, male landowners meet in Philly to make corrections to the Articles of Confederation. Instead they made a grave mistake when they wrote The Constitution. Compromise was reached for the “Land of the Free” to recognize...1/5

& protect - slavery. (“three fifths of all other persons” (Art. I, § 2); “Importation of such Persons” (Art. I, §9). The Framers were scared the 13 former colonies would not hold our own. For what? So that we…


Added by Mark Small on March 24, 2022 at 8:57pm — No Comments

More about Braun, racism & Loving v Virginia

After his gaffe on race & marriage, Sen Braun tried to walk back a comment w/o legs. Ppl need to know about Loving v Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967). The Court was unanimous on an issue of 1st impression: whether law preventing marriage solely on basis of race viol’d 14th Amend. 1/4

Warren, C.J., wrote: to reflect central meaning of const’l commands, law can’t stand consistently w/the 14th Amend. FACTS: 1/6/59 the Lovings pleaded guilty to being married, were sentenced to 1 yr in… Continue

Added by Mark Small on March 23, 2022 at 8:27pm — No Comments

Sen Braun should resign + we have to take back control of GOP

Sen Braun (R-IN) says he misunderstood “line of questioning” on 3/22 when he sd States should decide whether interracial marriage is legal. A person Tweeted that I need to choose parties. I’m in GOP primary for IN State Rep Distr 86. I’ll explain once more. Atty Jim Bopp rep’d... 1/5

Citizens United & NC Rep Cawthorn. Bopp incorpor’d IN GOP. GOP’s structure as a corp entity insulates it fr control either by voters or majority of GOP. “State Committee is the supreme party authority…


Added by Mark Small on March 23, 2022 at 6:05am — No Comments

Sen Mike Braun is a racist, is unfit to be in the Senate & should resign

U.S. Sen Mike Braun (R-IN), during an interview w/Bryan Tyler Cohen, smirked & said States should be allowed to ban interracial marriage. To be clear: Loving v Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967) was a unanimous decision & declared unconstitutional a statute by which a married couple 1/5

was criminally prosecuted & sentenced to jail for 1 year suspended for 25 years “on the condition that [they] leave the State” & not return to VA together for 25 yrs. Braun is an embarrassment…


Added by Mark Small on March 22, 2022 at 7:38pm — No Comments

WIBC's Tony Katz & The Constitution, part 2

Hearings on SCOTUS nominee, Judge Brown Jackson, began 3/21/22. The gist of WIBC’s Tony Katz’s view is a nominee is “absolutely unqualified” who believes The Constitution is construed to change over time. Mr Katz seems to embrace “original intent,” a judicial philosophy.. 1/5

that bases meaning of Constitution on those who wrote it. Critical to this view: whose intent to consider. Intent of delegates to 1787 Convention is problematic. Intent of delegates to State ratification…


Added by Mark Small on March 22, 2022 at 7:02am — No Comments

WIBC's Tony Katz & The Constitution.

Judicial nominee is “absolutely unqualified.” The gist of WIBC radio host Tony Katz’s view is anyone who believes the Constitution can be interpreted to change over time is “absolutely unqualified” to be a judge. 1) This is in context of hearings on SCOTUS nominee. 1/7

2) To be “qualified” is “to possess the necessary qualifications.” (Black’s Law Dic, pocket ed.) A person’s judicial philosophy usu is not part of her/his qualifications. Pres Biden’s nominee to the Court, Judge… Continue

Added by Mark Small on March 21, 2022 at 5:10pm — No Comments

"You gonna drink that?" Indiana's filthy streams

Indiana is #1 in filthy water. Environ. Integrity Project reports: about 25K miles of rivers & creeks R impaired: so polluted ppl shouldn’t swim in or eat fish from. Little Wildcat Creek ran across my parents’ farm. Water was so clear that from one bank, formed by the raised...1/4

bed of the abandoned interurban railroad, you could see sunfish guarding nests of pebbles at the base of the opposite bank. Long ago that H2O has been brown fr agricultural runoff. Clean water is…


Added by Mark Small on March 18, 2022 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Green party controls this country & World.

It’s difficult to determine if a business is “U.S.”Articles of incorporation are filed in a specific State, but the shareholders are the owners & their identities sometimes not revealed. We should heed history. In the run-up to WW2, large U.S. corporations chose profit uber alles...1/4

& traded w/Hitler. Some of those corporations still exist. At least one group has chosen a familiar path & continues to do business w/Putin. What’s worse is corporations closely tied to the…


Added by Mark Small on March 17, 2022 at 8:19pm — No Comments

GOP needs to return to its progressive roots

1956 GOP platform (1) quoted Pres Eisenhower: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative"& (2) advocated meeting basic human needs: 1/4

expansion of soc security & unempl ins coverage, improved housing, better health protection for all, better enforcement of antitrust laws, const’l amend to provide equal rts for men & women. GOP was…


Added by Mark Small on March 16, 2022 at 9:54am — No Comments

Tonight's Show at 7: Russia's 2016 cyber invasion of the U.S. & our elections in 2022 & 2024

In 2016 the U.S. was invaded & our intelligence agencies determined Russia’s President “Putin ordered an influence campaign” aimed at our pres’l election.’” 22 U.S.C. § 9501(6). Cyber invasions are real. Putin’s goals? “to undermine public faith” in U.S. democratic 1/6

process, denigrate Sec’y Clinton & harm her electability/potential presidency. Putin had “clear preference for” trump. ICA 2017-01D, Jan. 6, 2017. In 1787, protections created in Constitution included use of…


Added by Mark Small on March 15, 2022 at 10:06am — No Comments

NCAA tournament & capitalism

College basketball’s tournament illustrates how capitalism works. In the NCAA tournament, 68 teams scrap it out. In each round winners advance & losers go home. Businesses, like college teams, compete w/ea other, but to the death. The U.S. auto industry had a tournament. 1/5

About 1900 nearly 2K companies made 3K brands of cars. (Source: Encyc. Brit.) Car companies either bought out, or put under, competitors. The Big 3 (Chrysler, GM, Ford) survived. Start-ups occasionally emerge.…


Added by Mark Small on March 14, 2022 at 2:36pm — No Comments

HQE: I don't want Fred Klipsch's $ or endorsement

Of Gahan Wilson’s brilliant cartoons, one was of dour-faced men, clad in uniform, each with a badge & an arm-band, of a smiley-face. Branding can create a reality that facts do not support. In the mail was a questionnaire. No reasonable person can question a PAC named... 1/6

“Hoosiers for Quality Education.” Its purpose: “ensure quality educational opportunities” for “all Hoosier families regardless of income or zip code” & “improve student achievement” in “trad’l public…


Added by Mark Small on March 13, 2022 at 9:01am — 1 Comment

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