Civil Discourse Now

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Gov't overreach: requiring prescription for catheters


In 1994 I was mis-diagnosed w/MS. Over 21 years and six neurologists later, the diagnosis was revised: transverse myelitis simultaneously w/a really bad virus, initial treatment for which was the same as MS. Neither waist-down paralysis nor “residual neuropathy” was imaginary. 1/5

This individualized “residual neuropathy” has meant use of a catheter to urinate. Ideally one uses a new catheter each time, to avoid urinary tract infections (UTI). Purchase of catheters (16-18" in length & of various diameters) in ‘94 was a bit of a hassle. Catheters aren’t sold everywhere. 2/5

A couple of yrs ago more hassles: can’t buy catheters w/o prescription. Why? Ppl don’t cop buzzes at catheter parties (& a twist to what Canadians mean when they someone is “pissed”). Other reasons: 1) “That way insurance covers.” If I don’t want to tap ins I should be able to buy. 3/5

2) “Makes efficient use of the catheter w/o causing more complications. ...[you’ll] buy the type of catheter that is specified.” I figured that out on my own. Also: urologists seem unaware of device I have to use several times a day. Maybe I’m a cynic but this smacks of price gouging. 4/5

We should get rid of such rules as these. II’m Mark Small: pro-legal weed, pro-legal drugs, pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts, pro-democracy & GOP nominee for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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